Hello friends, in today's blog, we see 25 MCQ's from Previous Year Paper of Set Exam-2024, so you will analyse that this topics mcq's will come in 2025. so practice this mcq's.
Previous Post:- Enzymes MCQ's
25 MCQ's from Previous Year Paper of Set Exam-2024
1. Which of the following is NOT involved in electron transport during
Photosystem I and II ?
(A) Ferredoxin
(B) Plastocyanin
(C) Cytochrome b6f complex
(D) Cytochrome oxidase
2. The treatment of abscisic acid is associated with .....................
(A) Internode elongation
(B) Expansion of lead area
(C) Closure of stomata
(D) Axillary root elongation
3. Action potential is generated due to :
(A) Influx of Na+ and efflux of K+
(B) Influx of Ca2+ and efflux of K+
(C) Influx of Na+ and efflux of Ca2+
(D) Influx of K+ and efflux of Na+
4. Hookworm infection can lead to deficiency of :
(A) Vitamin B12
(B) Iron
(C) Vitamin B6
(D) Folic acid
5. What kind of microbes grow best at higher CO2 tension (~ 10%) than are normally present in the atmosphere ?
(A) Microaerophilic microorganisms
(B) Capnophilic microorganisms
(C) Aerotolerant anaerobic microorganisms
(D) Obligate anaerobic microorganisms
6. Which free living microorganisms occupy a niche to feed primarily on organic detritus from dead organisms and unable to adapt to the body of live host ?
(A) Obligate saprobic microorganisms
(B) Parasitic microorganisms
(C) Facultative parasitic microorganisms
(D) Auxotrophic microorganisms
7. The DNA of each chromosome occupies a defined volume of the nucleus and only overlaps with its
immediate neighbours is called as :
(A) Chromosome territories
(B) Nuclear scaffolds
(C) Nucleosome assembly
(D) Chromatin
8. Amphibians contain 30X more DNA than human beings. However human beings are more complex
than amphibians. This lack of correlation is called as :
(A) Species specificity
(B) C-value paradox
(C) D-value paradox
(D) P-value paradox
9. Which one of the following is not true in relation to eukaryotic gene expression ?
(A) RNA POl I synthesizes pre- yRNA
(B) RNA POl II synthesizes- y RNA
(C) RNA POl III synthesizes- tRNA
(D) All three polymerase contains β', β, α and ω subunits.
10. The triple helix domain of collagen consists of repeats of the X-Y-Z amino acids. The amino acid resent at ‘X’ position is required in every third position in order for the polypeptide chain is :
(A) Lysine
(B) Proline
(C) Hydroxy proline
(D) Glycine
11. Which DNA binding domain is present in steroid hormone receptors family of ligand inducible transcription factors ?
(A) Helix-loop-helix
(B) Zinc fingers
(C) Helix-turn-helix
(D) Leucine zipper
12. Which of the following elongation factor is called as translocase ?
(A) EF-G
(B) EF-2
(C) EF-G and EF-2
(D) EF-Tu and EF-Ts
13. Which of the following posttranslational modification is not related with epigenetic regulation ?
(A) Histone acetylation
(B) Sumoylation
(C) Ubiquitination
(D) DNA methylation
14. The disease which arises because of aberrant splicing is :
(A) Huntington’s disease
(B) Cystic fibrosis
(C) Sickle cell anemia
(D) Thalassemia
15. Identify the enzymes involved in DNA replication for their function : (Enzyme)
(P) DNA polymerase I
(Q) Primase
(R) Helicase
(S) Gyrase
(1) Unzipping the DNA helix
(2) Supercoiling of DNA
(3) Remove primer and close gaps
(4) Synthesize RNA primer
(A) (P)-(2),(Q)-(3),(R)-(4),(S)-(1)
(B) (P)-(3),(Q)-(4),(R)-(1),(S)-(2)
(C) (P)-(1),(Q)-(4),(R)-(2),(S)-(3)
(D) (P)-(3),(Q)-(1),(R)-(2),(S)-(4)
16. (I) The 3' to 5' exonuclease activity of eukaryotic DNA polymerase operates in reverse direction of
DNA synthesis and participate in fidelity of replication.
(II) The ability of DNA polymerase to extend a primer only in 5' to 3' direction appears to make replication a complicated process, it is necessary for proofreading of duplicated DNA.
Choose the correct answer :
(A) (I) is correct, (II) is wrong
(B) (II) is correct, (I) is wrong
(C) Both (I) and (II) are correct
(D) Both (I) and (II) are wrong
17. Which of the following is a wrong statement in SOS repair system ?
(A) Lex A shows autorepression of lex A
(B) Lex A shows repression of rec A
(C) Negative regulation of Lex A blocks the SOS repair
(D) Rec A shows negative regulation of lex A
18. Which of the following statements about apoptosis is fasle ?
(A) Cell shrinks
(B) Chromatin condenses
(C) Cell contents are leaked
(D) Apoptotic bodies are formed,
which are phagocytosed by
19. Which of the following signaling molecules plays a key role in the
patterning of neural tube along its anterior-posterior axis ?
(A) Wnt4
(B) BMP4
(C) FGF4
(D) Retinoic acid
20. If you compare the B cell epitope against T cell epitope :
(A) B cell epitopes are based more on primary sequence of protein antigen
(B) B cell epitopes are based more on nature conformation of protein antigen
(C) B cell epitopes are based more on presentation of antigen by MHC molecule
(D) B cell epitopes are of continuous epitopes than the B cell epitope
21. Mark the correct statement for antigenicity of molecule :
(A) Antigenicity is the ability of the molecule to provocate immune response in the body
(B) Antigenicity refers to the binding ability of Antibody to its antigen
(C) Antigenicity and immunogenicity are synonyms
(D) All antigens are immunogens
22. Which of the following molecules acts as a general adhesive connecting one cell to another and
cells to other substrates ?
(A) Fibronectin
(B) Heparin sulphate
(C) Collagen
(D) Laminin
23. Formation and migration of epiblast as a sheet of cells during gastrulation in zebra fish requires
the expression of ....................
(A) P-cadherins
(B) R-cadherins
(C) N-cadherins
(D) E-cadherins
24. Which of the following groups of transcription factors (TFs) is responsible for maintaining the
pluripotency of stem cells ?
(A) Oct 4, Nanog and Stat 3
(B) Oct 4, Nanog and SOX 2
(C) Eomesodermin, Cdx 2 and SOX 2
(D) Cdx 2, Nanog and SOX 2
25. Yersinia pestis is the causative agent for ................
(A) Gas gangrene
(B) Tularemia
(C) Lyme disease
(D) Plague
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