Glycolysis MCQ mostly asked in exam

 Glycolysis MCQ mostly asked in exam:

1.       In eukaryotes, glycolysis typically occurs in the

a)      Mitochondrion

b)      Cytosol

c)       Lysosome

d)      Nucleus

e)      Golgi apparatus

2.       Which of following enzymes catalyzes the transfer of a phosporyl group from ATP to glucose?

a)      Aldolase

b)      Phosphoglucose isomerase

c)       Glucose-6-phosphate

d)      Hexokinase

e)      Phosphoglucose mutase

3.       the anaerobic conversion of 1 molecules of glucose to 2 molecules of lactate by fermentation is accomapanied by a net gain of:

a)      1 ATP

b)      1 NADH

c)       2 ATP

d)      2 mol of NADH

e)      4 ATP

4.       The conversion of 1 molecule fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to 2 molecules of pyruvate by the glycolytic pathway results in a net formation of:

A)     1 NAD+ and 2 ATP

B)      1 NADH and 1 ATP

C)      2 NAD+ and 4 ATP

D)     2 NADH  and 2 ATP

E)      2NADH and 4 ATP

5.       During glycolyusis, the steps between glucose and formation of the triose phosphates

a)      Produce two ADP and two NAD+ molecules

b)      Produce two ATP and two NADH molecules

c)       Consume two NADH  molecules

d)      Consume two ATP molecules

e)      Consume two ATP and two NADH molecules

6.       In skeletal muscle cells, the NADH that is produced by glycolysis under anaerobic conditions(vigorous exercise) is regenerated to NAD+ by the conversion of:

a)      Lactate to pyruvate

b)      Phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate

c)       Pyruvate to lactate

d)      Glyceraldehydes- 3-phosphate to 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate

e)      Acetaldehyde to ethanol

7.       Glycolysis in the erythrocyte produces pyruvate that is further metabolized to:

a)      CO2

b)      Ethanol

c)       Glucose

d)      Hemoglobin

e)      Lactate

8.       Which of these cofactors participates directly in most of the oxidation- reduction reactions in the fermentation of glucose to lactate?

a)      ADP

b)      ATP

c)       FAD/FADH2

d)      Glyceraldehydes 3- phosphate

e)      NAD+/NADH

9.       The steps of glycolysis between glyceraldehydes-3 phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate involve all of the following except:

a)      ATP synthesis

b)      Catalysis by phospoglycerate kinage

c)       Oxidation of NADH to NAD+

d)      The formation of 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate

e)      Untilization of Pi

10.   In which of the following metabolic conversions is ATP “ consumed” during glycolysis?

a)      Fructose-1,6-bisphoshate  to dihyoxyacetone phosphate+ gluceraledehyde-3-phasphate

b)      Glucose-6-phosphate  to fructose-6- phosphate

c)       Glucose to glucose-6-phosphate

d)      1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to 3- phosphoglycerate

e)      2- phosphoglycerate to 3- phosphoglycerate

11.   The process by which ATP is formed from ADP in glycolysis is referred to as

a)      Substrate-level phosporylation

b)      Reduction

c)       Oxidative phoshorylation

d)      Photophosphorylation

e)      Oxidation

12.   Which enzymes is involved in substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis

a)      Hexokinase

b)      Pyruvate kinase

c)       Glyceraldehydes-3 phosphate dehydrogenase

d)      Aldolase

e)      Phoshofructokinase-1

13.   Which of the following metabolic conversions is considered to be the major control point of glycolysis?

a)      Fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

b)      Pyruvate to lactate

c)       2-phosphoglycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate

d)      Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to dihydroxyacetone  phosphate + glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate

e)      Glucose to glucose-6-phosphate

14.   In the alcoholic fermentation of glucose by yeast, thiamine pyrophosphate is a coenzyme required by:

a)      Alcohol dehydrogenase.

b)      Hexokinase

c)       Lactate dehydrogenase

d)      Pyruvate decarboxylase

e)      Transaldolase

15.   How many ATPs are utilized in the energy investment phase of glycolysis?

a)      1

b)      2

c)       3

d)      4

16.   Hexokinase belongs to

a)      EC1

b)      EC2

c)       EC3

d)      EC4

17.   Enzyme catalyzing the flux generating step of glycolysis is

a)      Glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase

b)      Hexokinase

c)       Phosphofructo kinase

d)      Pyruvate kinase

18.   Which of the following kinase reaction is reversible

a)      Hexokinase

b)      Phosphofructo kinase

c)       Phosphoglycerate kinase

d)      Pyruvate kinase

19.   Enzyme catalyzing the committed  step of glycolysis is

a)      Hexokinase

b)      Phosphofructo kinase-1

c)       Phosphoglycerate kinase

d)      Pyruvate kinase

20.   Which of the following enzyme pair is involved in feed-forward activation of glycolysis?

a)      Hexokinase & Enolase

b)      PFK-1 & pyruvate Kinase

c)       PFK-1 & enolase

d)      G3PDH & pyruvate kinase

21.   Which of the following enzymes is involved in both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis?

a)      Pyruvate kinase

b)      Phosphofructokinase

c)       Bisphospho glycerate kinase

d)      Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase

22.   Which of the following is the negative homotropic allosteric modulator of the enzyme PFk-1?

a)      Citrate

b)      ATP

c)       AMP

d)      ADP

23.   Which of the following is the uncoupler of substrate-level phosphorylation?

a)      Arsenite

b)      Arsenate

c)       Arsenic

d)      Arseno betaine

24.   Which of following is used in the blood collection vials for glucose estimation?

a)      NaF & Heparin

b)      Potassium oxalate & heparin

c)       NaF & potassium Oxalate

d)      NaF

25.   Warburg effect is

a)      Aerobic glycolysis

b)      Anaerobic glycolysis

c)       Inhibition of glycolysis by oxygen

d)      Inhibition of oxygen uptake by glycolysis

26.   Which of the following statement about glucokinase is not true?

a)      Not inhibited by glucose 6 phosphate

b)      Acts as a glucose sensor

c)       Found in all tissues

d)      Induced by insulin

27.   Pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex carries out all the following reactions EXCEPT?

a)      A decarboxylation reaction

b)      Producing a molecules of ATP

c)       Producing an acetyl group from pyruvate

d)      Combining the acetyl group with a cofactor

28.   PET scan uses which of the following tracer material

a)      FDG

b)      CDF

c)       ADP

d)      MIBG

29.   All of the  following vitamins are involved as cofactors in pyruvate dehydorgenase reaction, EXCEPT

a)      Vit B1

b)      Vit B3

c)       Vit B5

d)      Vit B12

30.   Which glycolytic enzyme is inhibited by fluoride

a)      Aldolase

b)      Enolase

c)       Hexokinase

d)      Pyruvate kinase

31.   All of the following tissues convert glucose to predominantly, EXCEPT

a)      Brain

b)      Cornea

c)       Lens

d)      RBCs

32.   Final acceptor of electrons in the PDH complex is

a)      FAD

b)      Molecular oxygen

c)       NAD+

d)      Thiamine pyrophosphate

33.   Thiamine requirement increases with excessive intake of

a)      Carbohydrates

b)      Lipids

c)       Proteins

d)      Dietary fibers

34.   Only one isoenzyme of hexokinase is present in all of the following tissues, EXCEPT

a)      RBCs

b)      Neurons

c)       Liver

d)      Skeletal muscle

35.   ATP is an allosteric regulator of

a)      Hexokinase and PFK 1

b)      PFK 1 and PFK2

c)       PFK 1 and pyruvate kinase

d)      Glyceraldehydes 3 phophate dehydrogenase and PFK1

36.    Epinephrine does not play a role in regulation of

a)      Hexokinase

b)      Phosphofructokinase-2

c)       Pyruvate kinase

d)      Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxy kinase

37.   The compound that regulates both glycolysis and glyconeogenesis is

a)      Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

b)      Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate

c)       Citrate

d)      Glucose-6- phosphate

38.   Which of the following is the carrier of acyl group?

a)      Thiamine pyrophosphate

b)      Lipoamide

c)       Biotin

d)      NAD+
