Most Important vitamins MCQ asked in exam


Let see about mostly asked question in popular Exam : Vitamins MCQ

1.      Deficiency of vitamin -A causes

a)      Night blindness

b)      Anemia and bleeding gums

c)      Scurvy

d)      Rickets and osteomalacia

2.      Deficiency of vitamin -D causes

a)      Night blindness

b)      Anemia and bleeding gums

c)      Scurvy

d)      Rickets and osteomalacia

3.      Deficiency of vitamin -B causes

a)      Night blindness

b)      Anemia and bleeding gums

c)      Scurvy

d)Rickets and osteomalacia

4.      Deficiency of vitamin -E causes

a)      Sterility

b)      Haemorrhage

c)      Scurvy

d)      Rickets and osteomalacia

5.      Deficiency of vitamin -C causes

a)      Night blindness

b)      Anemia and bleeding gums

c)      Scurvy

d)      Rickets and osteomalacia

6.      The first person to discover vitamins was

a)      Jenner

b)      Funk

c)      Calvin

d)      Mellandby

7.      Osteomalacia in adults is caused due to the deficiency of

a)      Vit-A

b)      Vit-E

c)      Vit-D

d)      Vit-C

8.      Xerophthalmia in man is caused by the deficiency of

a)      Vit-K

b)      Vit-A

c)      Vit-D

d)      Vit-C

9.      Vitamins often act as

a)      Apoenzymes

b)      Holoenzymes

c)      Co Factors

d)      Co enzymes

10.  Castle intrinsic factor is connected with internal absorption of

a)      Pyridoxine

b)      Riboflavin

c)      Thiamine

d)      Cobalamine

11.  A steroid vitamin is

a)      A

b)      D

c)      E

d)      K

12.  Vitamin E prevents

a)      Formation of vitamin D in Skin

b)      Secretion of superfluous enzymes

c)      Keratinisation of epidermal cells

d)      Absorption of harmful Enzymes

13.  Vitamin k is required for

a)      Change of prothrombin into thrombin

b)      Synthesis of prothrombin

c)      Change of fibrinogen to fibrin

d)      Formation of thromboplastin

14.  Calcium deficiency in the body occurs in the absence of

a)      Vit-C

b)      Vit-D

c)      Vit-A

d)      Vit-E

15.  The hemorrhagic disease of newborn is caused to the deficiency of

a)      Vit-K

b)      Vit- B12

c)      Vit-A

d)      Vit-B6

16.  To which of the following  families do folic acid and panthothenic acid belong?

a)      Vit-C

b)      Vit-K

c)      Vit-A

d)      Vit-B complex

17.  Which one of the following is correctly matched?

a)      Vit E- tocopherol

b)      Vitamin D – riboflavin

c)      Vitamin B – calciferol

d)      Vitamin A- thiamine

18.  Continuous bleeding from an injured part of body is due to deficiency of

a)      Vit-A

b)      Vit-B

c)      Vit-K

d)      Vit-E

19.  Which of the following is mismatched

a)      Vitamin A- Xerophthalmia

b)      Vitamin D- Rickets

c)      Vitamin K- Beriberi

d)      Vitamin C- Scurvy

20.  Which of the following vitamins promote healthy functioning of eyes in human beings?

a)      Vitamins A

b)      Vitamins B

c)      Vitamins D

d)      None of these


21.  Rich sources of vitamin B are

a)      Fresh liver oils

b)      Green leafy Vegetables

c)      Liver

d)      Egg Yolk

22.  The good sources of Vitamin B complex are?

a)      Green leafy vegetables

b)      Seeds

c)      Fresh vegetables and fruits

d)      Sea foods

23.  Vitamin B12(cobalamin) is only synthesized by

a)      Fishes

b)      Micro-organisms

c)      Plants

d)      Animals

24.  Best source of vitamin B-12 are

a)      Citrus fruits

b)      Green chillies

c)      Eggs

d)      Beans

25.  Vitamin B-1 is also called…

a)      Riboflavin

b)      Thiamin

c)      Both of the above

d)      None of these

26.  Vitamin B-3 mainly helps in

a)      Maintaining neurological benefits

b)      Maintaining eye sight

c)      Both of the above

d)      Converts food into energy

27.  Vitamin B-2 helps in maintaining

a)      Skin tissues

b)      Bone health

c)      Eye sight

d)      None of these

28.  Good source of Vitamin B-3 is

a)      Chicken

b)      Lemon

c)      Beef

d)      Mutton

29.  Vitamin B-3 helps in:

a)      Digestion

b)      Reducing birth affects

c)      Both of the above

d)      None of these

30.  Niacin is the chemical name of which vitamin?

a)      Vit-B3

b)      Vit-B1

c)      Vit-B2

d)      Vit-C

31.  Liver damage is caused due to the overdose of which vitamin?

a)      Vitamin B1

b)      Vitamin B2

c)      Vitamin B3

d)      Vitamin D

32.  Name the vitamins which are essential for the health of the brain?

a)      Vitamin B6

b)      Vitamin B9

c)      Vitamin B12

d)      All the above

33.  Fat soluble Vitamins are:

a)      Vitamin A

b)      VitaminD

c)      Vitamin E

d)      All the above

34.  Lack of vitamin B may result in?

a)      Poor cellular respiration

b)      Poor eye sight B1

c)      Dull Skin

d)      Tooth decay

35.  Retinol is the scientific name of which Vitamin?

a)      Vitamin A

b)      Vitamin D

c)      Vitamin K

d)      Vitamin C

36.  Richest source of vitamin B12 is

a)      Tomatoes

b)      Papaya

c)      Guava

d)      Liver

37.  Richest source of vitamin E is

a)      Seeds and nuts

b)      Potato and Carrots

c)      Meat and Dairy product

d)      Sunlight

38.  Which of the following is the richest source of vitamin A

a)      Orange

b)      Amaranth

c)      Green leafy vegetable

d)      Halibut liver oil

39.  Richest source of vitamin C is

a)      Papaya

b)      Garlic

c)      Kakadu plum

d)      Persimmon-fresh

40.  Richest source of vitamin D is

a)      Carrots

b)      Good liver oil

c)      Coconut oil

d)      Sunflower oil



