TCA cycle (Kreb's cycle) most asked MCQ in exam:
TCA cycle is most important cycle in he all cycle there are most question asked in exam is below
1. The details of tricarboxylic acid path was worked out by
a) Meischer
b) Hans Krebs
c) Pasteur
d) None of these
2. The product formed by malic dehydrogenase is
a) Malic acid
b) Fumaric acid
c) Oxaloacetic acid
d) Succinic acid
3. During krebs cycle energy from glucose is mostly transferred to
c) ADP
d) Water
4. The number of carbon atom in citric acid is
a) 8
b) 6
c) 10
d) 2
5. Hydrogen of malate is accepted by
a) FAD
b) FMN
c) COQ
d) NAD
6. During aerobic respiration maximum ATP is synthesized by
a) ETS
b) Kreb’s Cycle
c) Glycolysis
d) Fermentation
7. Which one of the following is complex V of the ETS of inner mitochondrial membrane
a) NADH dehydrogenase
b) Cytochrome c oxidase
c) Ubiquinone
d) Succinate dehydrogenase
8. Which intermediate compound is involved in the synthesis of amino acids
a) Malic acid
b) Citric acid
c) Alph-ketoglutaric acid
d) Isocitric acid
9. During one kreb’s cycle number of CO2 molecules released is
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
10. During movement of electron through ETC
a) pH of
matrix increases
b) Electrons are transported by active transport
c) Electron are responded
d) Electrons show fluorescence
11. In citric acid cycle decorboxylation occurs when
a) Citric acid converts to alpha-ketoglutaric
b) Succinic acid converts to malic acid
c) Malic acid converts to oxaloacetic acid
d) Oxaloacetic acid converts to citric acid
12. The overall goal of glycolysis, kreb’s cycle and the electron transport system is the formation of
a) ATP in small stepwise units
b) ATP in one large oxidation reaction
c) Sugars
d) Nuclic acids
13. In the electron transport system present in the inner mitochondrial membrane, complex 1 and 4 are respectively
a) NADH dehydrogenase and FADH2
b) FADH2 and NADH dehydrogenase
c) NADH dehydrogenase and cytocrome
d) NADH dehydrogenase and ATP synthase
e) Cytochrome bc 1 complex and NADH dehydrogenase
14. Kreb’s cycle was discovered by Krebs in pigeon muscles in 1940. Which step is called gateway step. Link reaction/transition reaction in respiration
a) Glycolysis
b) Formation of acetyl-coA
c) Cirtric acid formation
d) ETS terminal oxidation
15. All enzymes of TCA cycle are located in the mitochondrial matrix except one which is located in inner mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes and in cytosol in prokaryotes. This enzyme is
a) Lactate dehydrogenase
b) Isocitrate dehydrogenase
c) Malate dehydrogenase
d) Succinate dehydrogenase
16. Tricarboxylic acid cycle does not take place in
a) Myocyte
b) Red blood cell
c) Neuron
d) Hepatocyte
17. All of the following are intermediates of TCA cycle, EXCEPT
a) Malonate
b) Alpha-keto glutarate
c) Succinate
d) Fumarate
18. Which of the following is the major anaplerotic enzyme?
a) Pyruvate carboxylase
b) Acetyle-CoA carboxylase
c) Pyruvate dehydrogenase
d) Succinate dehydrogenase
19. How many dehydrogenase enzymes areoperative in the TCA cycle?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
20. Which of the following TCA cycle intermediate is the link between urea cycle and TCA cycle?
a) Arginosuccinate
b) Fumarate
c) Oxaloacetate
d) Succinate
21. Hyperammonemia inhibits TCA cycle by depleting
a) Alpha keto glutarate
b) Fumarate
c) Oxaloacetate
d) Succinate
22. Which of the following is the FAD linked dehydrogenase of TCA cycle?
a) Isocitrate dehydrogenase
b) Malate dehydrogenase
c) Succinate dehydrogenase
d) Alpha-keto glutarate dehydrogenase
23. Which of the following substance binds to CoA and condenses with oxaloacetate to inhibit the TCA cycle?
a) Malonate
b) Arsenite
c) Fluride
d) Fluroacetate
24. Vitamin required in TCA cycle include all,EXCEPT
a) Biotin
b) Niacin
c) Riboflavin
d) Thiamine
25. All of the following TCA cycle enzymes are located in the mitochondrial matrix, EXCEPT
a) Alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
b) Isocitrate dehydrogenase
c) Succinate dehydrogenase
d) Malate dehydrogenase
26. In gluconeogenic tissues, which of the following enzyme catalysed reaction provides the GTP required for the phospoenolpyruvate carboxy kinase at substrate level?
a) Pyruvate kinase
b) Phosphoglycerate kinase
c) Creatine kinase
d) Succinate thiokinase
27. Decreased energy production in thiamine deficiency is due to?
a) It is a cofactor for oxidative reduction
b) It is required for transamination reactions
c) It is a coenzyme for alpha
ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase in citric acid cycle
d) It is coenzyme for transketolase in hexose monophosphate shunt
28. How many ATPs are produced from the complete oxidation of 1 molecule of acetyl-CoA in TCA cycle?
a) 10
b) 12
c) 22
d) 32
29. Malate is an inhibition of
a) Citrate synthase
b) Aconitrase
c) Succinate hehydrogenase
d) Malate dehydrogenase
30. Which enzyme in TCA cycle is involved in the formation of GTP from GDP
a) Succinate dehydrogenase
b) Malate dehydrogenase
c) Citrate synthase
d) Succinyl Co-A synthetase
31. Which vitamin is required for the synthesis of cofactor needed for in conversation of succinate to fumarate?
a) Riboflavin
b) Thiamine
c) Lipoic acid
d) Niacin
32. Which of the following is utilized as precursor for cholesterol biosynthetase
a) Succiny CoA
b) Acetyl CoA
c) Succinate
d) Malate
33. TCA starts with carbooxylation of
a) Acetyle CoA
b) Citrate
c) Cis-aconitase
d) Oxaloacetate
34. Which of the following is a component of succinate dehydrogenase in ETC
a) Naicin
b) FMN
c) FAD
d) Coenzyme Q
35. How many ATPs are formed par glucose molecule in kreb’s cycle.
a) 2
b) 24
c) 6
d) 28
36. Which is rich in energy?
a) NAD+
b) Mitochondria
c) FAD
d) ATP
37. Kreb’s cycle is considered to be important because of
a) Production of pyruvic acid
b) Production of oxaloacetic acid
c) Production of ATP through oxidative phosphoration
d) Production of H20
38. ATP is a
a) Protein
b) Enzyme which brings oxidase
c) A molecule with high energy
phosphate host
d) Hormones
39. Which out of the these links EMP with TCA cycle?
a) Acetyl coA
b) Pyruvic acid
c) Oxaloacetic acid
d) NADH2
40. In kreb’s cycle the 6 C compound is formed by the combination of acetyl CoA with
a) Oxalosuccinate
b) Malic acid
c) Isocitric acid
d) Oxaloacetic acid
41. Which is not a prosthetic group are coenzyme used during oxidation of pyruvate
a) TPP
b) Co-A
c) Lipoic acid
d) Mn3+
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