Properties of water in biochemistry

 Hello friends, in todays aritcle we see the properties of water. so let's see one by one properties of water.

Properties of water

Properties of water:

  • The physical properties of water different from the other solvents. water as a hybride of oxygen.
  • Water has the higher melthing point, boiling point, heat of vapourization and suface tension than do the comparable hydrides of sulphur and nitrogen and most other common liquids.
    Water property

  • The vapourization of ice is called sublimation and the vapourization of liquid is called evaporation, both process occur more rapidly as the temperature in increase.
  • In humuns about 60% of red blood corpuscles and 92% of blood plasma are water about 75% of most other tissues comprise of water, the only exceptions are such relatively inert tissues as hair, nails and the solid portion of bones.
  • water has some unusual properties of physiological importance these are described below
  1. Expansion of Freezing: 
  • Most substances decreases in volume and hence increase in density as their temperature decrease, but in case of water there is a temperature of which its density exceeds that at higher or lower temperature.
  • The freezing point at 4 celcius. the water just above the freezing point is heavier than water at the freezing point.
  • The expansion of freezing start from the top and end the bottom means it's move towards the bottom.
  • All organisms living at the bottom of water, the fresh water is present at the bottom and protect form the freezing of water.
  •  a) While almost all substances constrast on cooling, water expands. if water could contract on cooling, it would have become heavier and would have sunk. thus all water on earth would gradually have become ice.
  • b) When temperature of water is reaised above 0 celcius. it's volume decrease upto 4 celcius, and increase water has the minimum volume and have maximum density of 1.00 at 4 celcious. The volume of water is increase at 4 celcious on heating or cooling it.
  • c) While all substances increase in volume when they are meltted the volume of ice decreases when melted volume of 1g of ice is 10g cc but when it melts into water, it occupies only 1cc.
  • d) Frozon water is less dense than liquid water.

    2.Uniquely high surface tension:
  • The surface of liquid tends to contract as much as possible, like stretched membrane it's known as surface tension of water.
  • Water has the highest surface tension of any liquid, its about 72.8. 
  • that why water rises to unausally high levels in narrow capillary tubes. This has great significance in physiology.
read more about the pH scale

    3.Uniquely high heat capacity:
  • There occurs a smaller temperature rise in water as compared to most other substances, when a given amount of heat is applied thus, water acts as a temperature buffer.
  • The temperature is maintend as compare to the other substances and have maximum high heat capicity (1000 cal/g). 
    Feature of water

    4. High solvent power:
  • Water is the good solvent for a great number of molecules. which form ionized solutions in water. It may thus be called a universal solvent which facilitates chemical reactive both outside of and within biological systems.
  • water has the cohesive property that allows water strides to shate across the surface of still waters and empowers giant redwoods to raise water about 100 meters above the ground.
This is all about the properties of water in biochemistry, this point is taken from the reference book fundamentals of biochemistry book. 
