Hello friends, in today's article we see the different types of Hormones MCQ's in biochemistry, with their free answer. So let's see the Hormones MCQ's in Biotechmistry.
Hormones MCQ’s in Biotechnology
1. Hormones
(A) Act as coenzyme
(B) Act as enzyme
(C) Influence synthesis of
(D) Belong to B-complex group
2. Hormone that binds to intracellular
receptor is
(A) Adrenocorticotropic hormone
(B) Thyroxine
(C) Follicle stimulating hormone
(D) Glucagon
3. Hormone that bind to cell surface receptor and require the
second messenger camp
(A) Antidiuretic hormone
(B) Cholecystokinin
(C) Calcitriol
(D) Gastrin
4. A hormone secreted from anterior pituitary
(A) Growth hormone
(B) Vasopressin
(C) Oxytocin
(D) Epinephrine
Read more MCQ's of Enzyme
5. A hormone secreted from posterior pituitary
(A) Vasopressin
(B) Thyrotropic hormone
(C) Prolactin
(D) Adrenocorticotropic hormone
6. The number of amino acids in human growth hormone is
(A) 91
(B) 151
(C) 191
(D) 291
7. Growth hormone causes hyperglycemia. It is a result of
(A) Decreased peripheral
utilization of glucose
(B) Decreased hepatic production via
(C) Increased glycolysis in muscle
(D) Decrersed lipolysis
8. Acromegaly results due to excessive release of
(A) Thyroxine
(B) Growth hormone
(C) Insulin
(D) Glucagon
9. Growth hormone is released by
(A) Somatostatin
(B) Growth hormone releasing
(C) Prolactin release inhibiting hormone
(D) Luteinizing releasing hormone
10. The number of amino acids in prolactin is
(A) 134
(B) 146
(C) 172
(D) 199
11. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is a single polypeptide
(A) 25 amino acid
(B) 39 amino acid
(C) 49 amino acid
(D) 52 amino acid
12. Biological activity of ACTH requires
(A) 10-N-terminal amino acid
(B) 24-N-terminal amino acid
(C) 24-C-terminal amino acid
(D) 15-C-terminal amino acid
13. ACTH stimulates the secretion of
(A) Glucocorticoids
(B) Epinephrine
(C) Thyroxine
(D) Luteinizing hormone
14. Excessive secretion of ACTH causes
(A) Cushing’s syndrome
(B) Addison’s disease
(C) Myxoedema
(D) Thyrotoxicosis
15. In Cushing’s syndrome-a tumour associated disease of adrenal
cortex, there is
(A) Decreased epinephrine production
(B) Excessive cortisol production
(C) Excessive epinephrine production
(D) Decreased cortsoil production
16. ACTH induces rise in
(A) Cyclic AMP
(B) Cyclic GMP
(C) Calcium
(D) Magnesium
17. The circulating concentration of ACTH in
plasma is
(A) 0.05 m µ /100 ml
(B) 0.1-2.0 m µ /100 ml
(C) 2.5-3.5 m µ /100 ml
(D) 3.0-5.0 m µ /100 ml
18. Hyperglycemic effect of glucocorticoids is
due to
(A) Inactivation of protein phosphatase
(B) Inactivation of fructose
(C) Stimulation of synthesis of
pyruvate carboxylase
(D) Stimulation of synthesis of eltroxykinase
19. The predominant glucocorticoid is
(A) Cortisol
(B) Aldosterone
(C) Dehydroephiandrosterone
(D) Androstenedione
20. A specific cortisol binding protein, transcortin is a
(A) Albumin
(B) α1-Globulin
(C) α2-Globulin
(D) β-Globulin
21. Cortisol is synthesized in
(A) Zona fasiculata
(B) Zona glomerulosa
(C) Zona reticularis
(D) Chromaffin cells
22. All mammalian steroid hormones are
formed from
(A) Purine
(B) Pyrimidine
(C) Cholesterol
(D) Pyrrole
23. A very efficient inhibitor of steroid
biosynthesis is
(A) Aminoglutethimide
(B) Aminoimidazole
(C) Aminoimidazolesuccinyl carboxamine
(D) Aminopterin
24. In adrenal gland the cholesterol is stored
(A) Mostly in the free form
(B) Mostly in esterified form
(C) Large amount of free form and less
amount of esterified form
(D) Equal amounts of free and esterified form
25. Aldosterone synthesis occurs in
(A) Zona reticularis
(B) Zona fasciculata
(C) Zona glomerulosa
(D) Chromaffian cells
26. In the biosynthesis of cortiol, the sequence
of enzymes involved is
(A) Hydroxylase-dehydrogenase +
(B) Dehydrogenase-hydroxylase-isomerase
(C) Hydroxylase-lyase-dehydrogenase isomerase
(D) Isomerase-lyase-hydroxylase-dehydrogenase
27. The defect in adrenal cortex responsible for lack of
glucocorticoids and mineralcor-
ticoids is
(A) Androstenedione deficiency
(B) 17 α -OH progesterone
(C) C-21 hydroxylase
(D) Testosterone deficiency
28. 3-β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and ∆5,4 isomerase
catalyse the conversion of
the weak androgen DHEA to
(A) Androstenedione
(B) Testosterone
(C) Progesterone
(D) Estrone
29. In the resting state plasma concentration
of cortisol is
(A) 0.4-2.0 µg/100 ml
(B) 2.0-4.0 µg/100 ml
(C) 5.0-15.0 µg/100 ml
(D) 18.0-25.0 µg/100 ml
30. The most important effect of aldosterone
is to
(A) Increase the rate of tubular
reabsorption of sodium
(B) Decrease the rate of tubular reabsorption of potassium
(C) Decrease the reabsorption of chloride
(D) Decrease the renal reabsorption of sodium
31. One of the
potent stimulators of
aldosterone secretion is
(A) Increased sodium concentration
(B) Decreased potassium concentration
(C) Increased potassium
(D) Increased ECF volume
32. In the rennin-angiotensin system the primary hormone is
(A) Angiotensinogen
(B) Angiotensin I
(C) Angiotensin II
(D) Angiotensin III
33. Aldosterone release is stimulated by
(A) α2-Globulin
(B) Renin
(C) Angiotensin II
(D) Growth hormone
34. In the synthesis of Angiotensin I, rennin acts on
Angiotensinogen and cleaves the
(A) Leucine - leucine at 10 and
11 position
(B) Valine - tyrosine at 3 and 4 position
(C) Isoleucine - histidine at 5 and 6 position
(D) Proline - histidine at 7 and 8 position
35. Catecholamine hormones are synthesized
in the
(A) Chromaffin cells of adrenal
(B) Zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex
(C) Zona fasciculate of adrenal cortex
(D) Zona reticularis of adrenal cortex
36. Catecholamine hormones are
(A) 3, 4-Dihydroxy
derivatives of phenylethylamine
(B) p-Hydroxy derivatives of phenylacetate
(C) p-Hydroxy derivatives of phenylpyruvate
(D) p-Hydroxy derivatives of phenyllactate
37. The sequential steps in the conversion of tyrosine to
epinephrine are
(A) Ring
hydroxylation-decarboxylation-side chain hydroxylation-N-methylation
(B) Side chain hydroxylation-decarboxylation-ring
hydroxylation N-methylation
(C) Decarboxylation-ring hydroxylation-side chain hydroxylation-N-methylation
(D) N-methylation-decarboxylation-ring and side chain
38. The hormone required for uterine muscle contraction for child
birth is
(A) Progesterone
(B) Estrogen
(C) Oxytocin
(D) Vasopressin
39. The number of amino acids in the hormone
oxytocin is
(A) 7
(B) 9
(C) 14
(D) 18
40. Vasopressin and oxytocin circulate un- bound to proteins and
have very short
plasma half lives, on the
order of
(A) 1-2 minutes
(B) 2-4 minutes
(C) 5-8 minutes
(D) 10-12 minutes
41. Melanogenesis is stimulated by
(C) LH
42. The number of amino acids in antidiuretic hormone is
(A) 9
(B) 18
(C) 27
(D) 36
43. ADH
(A) Reabsorbs water from renal
(B) Excretes water from renal tubules
(C) Excretes hypotonic urine
(D) Causes low specific gravity of urine
44. Increased reabsorption of water from the kidney is the major
consequence of the secretion of the hormone?
(A) Cortisol
(B) Insulin
(C) Vasopressin
(D) Aldosterone
45. An increase in the osmolality of extracellular compartment will
(A) Inhibit ADH secretion
(B) Stimulate ADH secretion
(C) Cause no change in ADH secretion
(D) Stimulate the volume and osmoreceptor and inhibit
ADH secretion
46. For Catecholamine biosynthesis the rate
limiting enzyme is
(A) DOPA decarboxylase
(B) DOPAMINE β-hydroxylase
(C) Tyrosine hydroxylase
(D) Phenylalanine hydroxylase
47. A hormone which cannot cross the blood brain barrier is
(A) Epinephrine
(B) Aldosterone
48. The plasma level of epinephrine is less
(A) 0.1 ng/ml
(B) 0.2 ng/ml
(C) 0.4 ng/ml
(D) 0.8 ng/ml
49. Epinephrine is rapidly metabolized by
(A) Monoamine oxidase
(B) Deaminase
(C) Transminase
(D) Decarboxylase
50. Pheochromocytomas are tumours of
(A) Adrenal cortex
(B) Adrenal medulla
(C) Pancreas
(D) Bone
51. A characteristic of pheochromocytoma is elevated urinary
excretion of
(A) Dopamine
(B) Tyrosine
(C) Vinylmandelic acid
(D) Phenylalanine
52. In the synthetic pathway of epinephrine, disulfiram
(antabuse) inhibits the
(A) Tyrosine hydroxylase
(B) Dopamine β-hydroxylase
(C) DOPA decarboxylase
(D) N-methyl transferase
53. The biosynthesis of both Catecholamine and serotonin require
(A) Tyrosine hydroxylase
(B) N-methyl transferase
(C) Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
(D) Tryptophan pyrrolase
54. Epinephrine stimulates glycogenolysis in
(A) Liver
(B) Muscle
(C) Liver and muscle
(D) Kidney
55. A cup of strong coffee would be expected to
(A) Interfere with the synthesis of
(B) Decrease the effect of glucagon
(C) Enhance the effect of
(D) Provide the vitamin nicotinic acid
56. Epinephrine is derived from norepinephrine by
(A) Decarboxylation
(B) Hydroxylation
(C) Oxidation
(D) N-methylation
57. 5 HIAA test is negative if patient is taking
(A) Aspirin
(B) Colchicine
(C) Phenothiazone
(D) Methotrexate
58. Presence of significant amount of 5-HIAA
in urine indicates
(A) Carcinoid in liver
(B) Carcinoid in appendix
(C) Metastasis of carcinoma of
(D) Hepatoma
59. The normal serum level of triiodothyronine (T3) is
(A) 0.2-0.5 ng/ml
(B) 0.7-2.0 ng/ml
(C) 2.0-4.0 ng/ml
(D) 5.0-8.0 ng/ml
60. The normal serum level of thyroxine (T4)
(A) 2.0-4.0 µg/100 ml
(B) 5.5-13.5 µg/100 ml
(C) 14.0-20.3 µg/100 ml
(D) 20.0-25.0 µg/100 ml
61. Excess secretion of thyroid hormones
(A) Hyperthyroidism
(B) Myxoedema
(C) Cretinism
(D) Cushing syndrome
62. Insufficient free T3 and T4 results in
(A) Grave’s disease
(B) Mysoedema
(C) Cushing syndrome
(D) Gigantism
63. In primary hypothyroidism the useful estimation is of
(A) T3
(B) T4
(D) Autoantibodies
64. When iodine supplies are sufficient the T3 and T4
ratio in thyroglobulin is
(A) 1 : 2
(B) 1 : 4
(C) 1 : 7
(D) 1 : 10
65. A substance which competes with iodide uptake mechanism by
thyroid gland is
(A) Thiocynate
(B) Iodoacetate
(C) Fluoride
(D) Fluoroacetate
66. Thyroperoxidase enzyme contains
(A) Heme
(B) Copper
(C) Zinc
(D) Magnesium
67. Thyroproxidase requires hydrogen peroxide as oxidizing agent.
The H2O2 is
produced by
(A) FADH2 dependent enzyme
(B) NADH dependent enzyme
(C) NADP dependent enzyme
(D) NADPH dependent enzyme
68. Thyroid stimulating hormone is a dimer. The α-subunits of TSH,
LH, FSH are identical. Thus the biological specificity must therefore be β
subunit in which the number of amino acids is
(A) 78
(B) 112
(C) 130
(D) 199
69. TSH stimulates the synthesis delete
(A) Thyroxine
(B) Adrenocorticoids
(C) Epinephrine
(D) Insulin
70. Thyroid hormones are synthesized by the
iodination of the amino
(A) Glycine
(B) Phenylalanine
(C) Alanine
(D) Tyrosine
71. The tyrosine residues per molecule of
thyroglobulin is
(A) 85
(B) 95
(C) 115
(D) 135
72. The percentage of inactive precursors (monoidotyrosine and
diiodotyrosine) in
thyroglobulin is
(A) 30
(B) 40
(C) 50
(D) 70
73. The number of amino acids in parathor-
mone is
(A) 65
(B) 84
(C) 115
(D) 122
74. The sequence of amino acid in which the
biological value of
parathormone is
(A) 1-15
(B) 1-34
(C) 30-50
(D) 50-84
75. PTH
(A) Reduces the renal clearance
or excretion of calcium
(B) Increases renal phosphate clearance
(C) Increases the renal clearance of calcium
(D) Decreases the renal phosphate clearance
76. The number of amino acids in the peptide
hormone calcitonin is
(A) 16
(B) 24
(C) 32
(D) 40
77. Calcitonin causes
(A) Calcinuria and phosphaturia
(B) Decrease in urinary calcium
(C) Decrease in urinary phosphorous
(D) Increase in blood calcium level
78. The characteristic of hyperparathyroidism
(A) Low serum calcium
(B) High serum phosphorous
(C) Low serum calcium and high serum phosphorous
(D) High serum calcium and low
serum phosphate
79. Parathyroid hormone
(A) Is released when serum Ca++ is too
(B) Inactivates vitamin D
(C) Is secreted when Ca++
is too low
(D) Depends on vitamin K for adequate activity
80. δ-Cells of islet of langerhans of pancreas
(A) Pancreatic polypeptide
(B) Pancreatic lipase
(C) Somatostatin
(D) Steapsin
81. β-cells of islet of langerhans of the
pancreas secrete
(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) Somatostatin
(D) Pancreatic polypeptide
82. Target tissue of insulin is
(A) Red blood cells
(B) Renal tubular cells
(C) GI tract epithelial cells
(D) Liver
83. Insulin is a dimmer. The number of amino acids in the A and B
chain respectively is
(A) 19 and 28
(B) 21 and 30
(C) 25 and 35
(D) 29 and 38
84. In A chain of the insulin molecule the N-
terminal amino acid is
(A) Glycine
(B) Valine
(C) Serine
(D) Phenylalanine
85. In the A chain of insulin molecule the C-
terminal amino acid is
(A) Asparagine
(B) Threonine
(C) Valine
(D) Tyrosine
86. In the B chain of insulin molecule, the N-
terminal amino acid is
(A) Proline
(B) Threonine
(C) Phenylalanine
(D) Lysine
87. In the B chain of insulin molecule, the
C-terminal amino acid:
(A) Threonine
(B) Tyrosine
(C) Glutamate
(D) Valine
88. In the insulin molecule, the number of
interchain disulphide brides
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
89. In the insulin molecule, the number of intrachain disulphide
bridges is
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
90. Insulin exists in polymeric forms, for polymerization it
(A) Calcium
(B) Magnesium
(C) Manganese
(D) Zinc
91. The number of amino acids in pre-pro
insulin is
(A) 51
(B) 86
(C) 109
(D) 132
92. Proinsulin has
(A) 74 amino acids
(B) 86 amino acids
(C) 105 amino acids
(D) 109 amino acids
93. Daily secretion of insulin in a normal adult
man is about
(A) 10 units
(B) 20 units
(C) 30 units
(D) 50 units
94. The insulin content of pancreas is about
(A) 50-70 units
(B) 100-150 units
(C) 150-180 units
(D) 200-250 units
95. The half life of insulin is
(A) < 3-5 minutes
(B) < 8-10 minutes
(C) < 15 minutes
(D) < 15 minutes
96. Insulin stimulates
(A) Hepatic glycogenolysis
(B) Hepatic glycogenesis
(C) Lipolysis
(D) Gluconeogenesis
97. Action of insulin on lipid metabolism is
(A) It increases lipolysis and increases
triglyceride synthesis
(B) It decreases lipolysis and
increases triglyceride synthesis
(C) It decreases lipolysis and decreases triglyceride
(D) It increases synthesis of triglyceride and
increased ketogenesis
98. Insulin increases the activity of
(A) Pyruvate kinase
(B) Phosphorylase
(C) Triacylglycerol kinase
(D) Fructose 2, 6-bisphosphatase
99. Insulin decreases the activity of
(A) cAMP dependent protein kinase
(B) HMG CoA-reductas
(C) Phosphodiesterase
(D) Acetyl CoA-carboxylase
100. The human insulin gene located on the short arm of chromosome:
(A) 11
(B) 17
(C) 18
(D) 20
101. Normal serum insulin level varies
(A) 4-25 µU/ml
(B) 25-50 µU/ml
(C) 70-90 µU/ml
(D) 100-120 µU /ml
102. Following is a normal overnight fast and a cup of black coffee, a
diabetic woman feels slightly nausious and decides to skip breakfast. However
she does take her shot of insulin. This may result in
(A) Heightened glycogenolysis
(B) Hypoglycemia
(C) Increased lipolysis
(D) Glycosuria
103. Deficiency of insulin results in
(A) Rapid uptake of sugar
(B) Low blood glucose level
(C) Decrease urine output
(D) Presence of glucose in urine
104. The primary stimulus for insulin secretion
is increased.
(A) Blood level of epinephrine
(B) Blood level of glucagon
(C) Blood level of glucose
(D) Water intake
105. The α-cells of pancreas islets produce
(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) Somatostatin
(D) Pancreatic polypeptide
106. The number of amino acids in single chain polypeptide glucagons
(A) 21
(B) 29
(C) 31
(D) 39
107. The half life of glucagons is
(A) ~5
(B) ~7
(C) ~10
(D) ~12
108. Glucagon enhances
(A) Hepatic glycogenolysis
(B) Muscle glycogenolysis
(C) Hepatic glycogenesis
(D) Lipogenesis
109. Normal serum glucagons level in fasting
state varies between
(A) 0--10 pg/ml
(B) 20-100 pg/ml
(C) 200-300 pg/ml
(D) 400-500 pg/ml
110. Glucagon
(A) Increases protein synthesis
(B) Inhibits lipolysis in adipocytes
(C) Increases gluconeogenesis in
(D) Stimulates muscle glycogenolysis
111. Normal serum free testosterone in adult
men varies between
(A) 1-5 ng/dl
(B) 6-9 ng/dl
(C) 10-30 ng/dl
(D) 50-100 ng/dl
112. Normal serum free testosterone in adult
women varies between
(A) 0.0-0.2 ng/dl
(B) 0.3-2 ng/dl
(C) 10-30 ng/dl
(D) 50-100 ng/dl
113. The prepubertal total serum testosterone
(A) <100 ng/100 ml
(B) < 200 ng/100 ml
(C) <300 ng/100 ml
(D) < 400 ng/100 ml
114. The total serum testosterone in adult men
(A) 50-100 ng/100 ml
(B) 150-250 ng/100 ml
(C) 300-1000 ng/100 ml
(D) 1000-3000 ng/100 ml
115. The total serum testosterone in adult
women is
(A) 0-5 ng/100 ml
(B) 10-15 ng/100 ml
(C) 20-80 ng/100 ml
(D) 100-200 ng/100 ml
116. The serum estradiol level in men is
(A) 0-5 pg/ml
(B) 5-10 pg/ml
(C) 24-68 pg/ml
(D) 40-60 pg/ml
117. The serum estradiol level in women during 1-10 days of menstrual
cycle is
(A) 0-10 pg/ml
(B) 12-20 pg/ml
(C) 24-68 pg/ml
(D) 80-100 pg/ml
118. The serum estradiol level in women during 11-20 days of menstrual
cycle is
(A) 5-30 pg/ml
(B) 50-300 pg/ml
(C) 500-900 pg/ml
(D) 1000 pg/ml
119. The serum estradiol level in women during 21-30 days of menstrual
cycle is
(A) 10-20 pg/ml
(B) 22-66 pg/ml
(C) 73-149 pg/ml
(D) 1000 pg/ml
120. The serum progesterone level in follicular
phase is about
(A) 0.2-1.5 ng/100 ml
(B) 2.0-2.5 ng/100 ml
(C) 3.5-4.5 ng/100 ml
(D) 5.0-6.5 ng/100 ml
121. Serum progesterone level during pregnancy is
(A) < 12 ng/ml
(B) > 12 ng/ml
(C) < 20 ng/ml
(D) >24 ng/ml
122. Serum progesterone level during luteal
phase is
(A) 0.2-203 ng/ml
(B) 3.0-5.0 ng/ml
(C) 6.0-30 ng/ml
(D) 750 ng/ml
123. Androgens are produced by
(A) Cells of sertoli
(B) Leydig cells
(C) Rete testis
(D) Efferent ductules
124. The leyding cell activity is controlled by
(A) Intestitial cell stimulating
(B) Adernocortex stimulating hormone
(C) Thyroid stimulating hormone
(D) Melanocyte stimulating harmone
125. Stein-leventhal syndrome is due to over-
production of
(A) Estrogens
(B) Androgens
(C) Gastogens
(D) Ethinyl estradiol
126. The production of progesterone by corpusluteum cell is stimulated
(A) LH
127. In the biosynthesis of testosterone the rate limiting step is
conversion of
(A) Cholesterol to pregnenolone
(B) Pregnenolone to progesterone
(C) Progesterone to 17 α-hydroxy progesterone
(D) 17 α-Hydroxy progesterone to androstenedione
128. The enzyme catalyzing conversion of an-
drostenedione to
testosterone is a
(A) Oxygenase
(B) Dehydrogenase
(C) Isomerase
(D) Decarboxylase
129. Conversion of testosterone to estradiol
requires the enzyme:
(A) Aromatase
(B) Dehydrogenase
(C) Lyase
(D) Isomerase
130. The precursor of testosterone is
(A) Aldosterone
(B) Methyl testosterone
(C) Estrone
(D) Pregnenolone
131. Urinary 17 ketosteroids
(A) Are not found in women
(B) Reflect the total production
of androgenic substances
(C) Indicate the total production of sex hormone
(D) Are highly active androgens
132. The hormone measured in urine to test
pregnancy is
(A) Anterior pituitary luteinizing hormone
(B) Androgen
(C) Progesterone
(D) Choroinic gonadotropin
133. Total number of amino acids in human
chorionic gonadotropin is
(A) 53
(B) 92
(C) 145
(D) 237
134. A hormone produced by corpus luteum and placenta, concerned with
of pelvis tissue is
(B) Chorionic somatommotropin
(C) Relaxin
(D) Progestins
135. Synthetic progesterone used in oral
contraceptive is
(A) Norethindrone
(B) Pregnenolone
(C) Androstenodione
(D) Stilbestrol
136. Young women are protected against myocardial infaracation because
of the
activity of
(A) Estrogen
(B) Progesterone
(C) Growth hormone
(D) Oxytocin
137. Hormone receptors possess all the
following properties except
(A) All of them are proteins
(B) They possess a recognition domain
(C) They bind hormones with a high degree of specificity
(D) Number of receptors in a
target cell is constant
138. The only correct statement about hormone
receptors is
(A) Receptors for protein hormones are present in cytosol
(B) Receptors for steroid hormones are membrane bound
(C) Hormone-receptor binding is irreversible
(D) Receptors can undergo down
regulation and up regulatoin
139. Down regulation is
(A) Increased destruction of a hormone
(B) Feed back inhibition of hormone secretion
(C) Decreased concentration of a hormone in blood
(D) Decrease in number of
receptors for a hormone
140. All the following statements about hormones are true except
(A) All of them require specific
carriers in plasma
(B) All of them require specific
receptors in target cells
(C) Some of them are subject to feedback
(D) Some of them increase the transcription of
certain genes
141. All the following statements about steroid hormones are true
(A) They are hydrophobic
(B) They require carriers to transport them in circulation
(C) Their receptors are intracellular
(D) They require cyclic AMP as
second messenger
142. Cyclic AMP acts as the second messenger
(B) Glucagon
(C) Calcitonin
(D) All of these
143. Cyclic AMP acts as the second messenger
for all of the following
(A) Oxytocin
144. Cyclic GMP acts as the second messenger
(A) Nerve growth factor
(B) Atrial natriuretic factor
(C) Epinephrine
(D) Norepinephrine
145. Some hormones produce their intra-
cellular effects by
(A) Phospholipae A1
(B) Phospholipase B
(C) Phospholipase C
(D) All of these
146. Inositol triphosphate is the second
messenger for
(A) Gastrin
(B) Cholecystokinin
(C) Oxytocin
(D) All of these
147. G-proteins act as
(A) Hormone carriers
(B) Hormone receptors
(C) Second messengers
(D) Signal transducers
148. Signal transducer for glucagons is a
(A) Cyclic nucleotide
(B) Phosphoinositide
(C) Stimulatory G-protein
(D) Inhibitory G-protein
149. G-proteins are
(A) Monomers
(B) Dimers
(C) Trimers
(D) Tetramers
150. G-proteins have a nucleotide binding site
151. The nucleotide binding site of G-proteins
is present on their
(A) α-Subunit
(B) β-Subunit α- and β-
(C) γ-Subunit
(D) δ-Subunit
152. Adenylate cyclase is
activated by
(A) GDP-bearing α-Subunit of G-protein
(B) GTP-bearing α-Subunit of G-protein
(C) GDP-bearing γ-Subunit of G-protein
(D) GTP-bearing γ-Subunit of G-protein
153. Tyrosine kinase activity is present in
(A) α-Adrenergic receptors
(B) β-Adrenergic receptors
(C) Cholinergic receptors
(D) Insulin receptors
154. Insulin receptor is a
(A) Monomer
(B) Dimer
(C) Trimer
(D) Tetramer
155. Tyrosine kinase activity is present in
(A) Acetylcholine receptor
(B) PDGF receptor
(C) ADH receptor
(D) All of these
156. Protein kinase C is activated by
(A) Cyclic AMP
(B) Cyclic GMP
(C) Diacyl glycerol
(D) Inositol triphosphate
157. Melatonin is synthesised in
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Posterior pituitary gland
(C) Pineal gland
(D) Melanocytes
158. Melatonin is synthesised from
(A) Phenylalanine
(B) Tyrosine
(C) Tryptophan
(D) None of these
159. Melanocyte stimulating hormone is
secreted by
(A) Pineal gland
(B) Anterior lobe of pituitary gland
(C) Posterior lobe of pituitary gland
(D) Intermediate lobe of
pituitary gland
160. MSH causes
(A) Dispersal of melanin granules in melanocytes
(B) Increase in melanin concentration in
(C) Decerease in melanin concentration in melanocytes
(D) Increase in number of melanocytes
161. Secretion of MSH is regulated by
(A) Feedback mechanism
(B) Melatonin
(C) Hypothalamic hormones
162. A hormone synthesised in the hypothalamus is
(A) Melatonin
(B) Melanocyte stimulating hormone
(C) Vasopressin
(D) Prolactin
163. Posterior pituitary gland secretes
(A) Catecholamines
(B) Oxytocin
(C) Follicle stimulating hormone
(D) Serotonin
164. A nonapeptide among the following is
(A) Antidiuretic hormone
(B) Insulin
(D) Thyrotropin releasing hormone
165. Diabetes insipidus is caused by deficient
secretion of
(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) Vasopressin
(D) Oxytocin
166. Peripheral vasoconstriction is caused by
high concentrations of
(A) Antidiuretic hormone
(B) Melatonin
(C) Glucagon
(D) Oxytocin
167. Somatotropin is secreted by
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Anterior pituitary
(C) Posterior pituitary
(D) Thyroid gland
168. Secretion of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I is promoted by
(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) Growth hormone
(D) Somatomedin C
169. Growth hormone increases
(A) Protein synthesis
(B) Lipogenesis
(C) Glycogenolysis
(D) All of these
170. Secretion of growth hormone is inhibited
(A) Somatomedin C
(B) Somatostatin
(C) Feedback inhibition
(D) All of these
171. Secretion of somatotrophin is promoted
(A) Somatomedin C
(B) Somatostatin
(C) Growth hormone releasing
(D) Hypoglycaemia
172. Human growth hormone has
(A) One polypeptide chain and one intra-chain disulphide bond
(B) One polypeptide chain and two
intra-chain disulphide bond
(C) Two polypeptide chains joined by one
disulphide bond
(D) Two polypeptide chains joined by two
disulphide bond
173. Number of amino acid residues in human
growth hormone is
(A) 51
(B) 84
(C) 191
(D) 198
174. Number of amino acid residues in
prolactin is
(A) 51
(B) 84
(C) 191
(D) 198
175. Secretion of prolactin is regulated by
(A) Feedback inhibition
(B) Prolactin releasing hormone
(C) Prolactin release inhibiting
(D) All of these
176. Precursor of ACTH is
(A) Cholesterol
(B) Pregnenolone
(C) Corticotropin
(D) Pro-opiomelanocortin
177. All of the following can be formed from pro-opiomelanocortin
(A) α-and β-MSH
(B) β-and γ-Lipotropins
(C) α-and β-Endorphins
178. All the following statements about pro-opiomelanocortin are true
(A) It is made up of 285 amino acids
(B) It is synthesised in pars intermedia and anterior
lobe of pituitary gland
(C) It is the precursor of ACTH
and melatonin
(D) It is the precursor of corticotropin like intermediate
lobe peptide and endorphins
179. All the following statements about ACTH are true except
(A) It is a tropic hormone
(B) Its target cells are located in adrenal
(C) Its receptors are located in the cell
(D) Its second messenger is
inositol triphosphate
180. Regulation of ACTH secretion occurs through
(A) Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and
corticotropin release inhibiting hormone (CRIH) of hypothalamus
(B) Feedback inhibition by cortisol
(C) CRH and feedback inhibition
by cortisol
(D) CRIH and feedback inhibition by cortisol
181. ACTH is a polypeptide made up of
(A) 39 amino acids
(B) 41 amino acids
(C) 51 amino acids
(D) 84 amino acids
182. CRH is a polypeptide made up of
(A) 39 amino acids
(B) 41 amino acids
(C) 51 amino acids
(D) 84 amino acids
183. Hormonal activity of ACTH is completely lost on removal of
(A) 5 C-terminal amino acids
(B) 10 C-terminal amino acids
(C) 15 C-terminal amino acids
(D) None of these
184. All the following statements about TSH
are true except
(A) It is a glycoprotein
(B) It is made up of α- and β-subunits
(C) Receptor recognition involves both the
(D) Its subunit is identical with
those of FSH and LH
185. All the following statements about TSH
are true except
(A) It is a tropic hormone
(B) It acts on para-follicular
cells of thyroid glands
(C) Its receptors are membrane-bound
(D) Its second messenger is cyclic AMP
186. All the following statements about thyrotropin releasing hormone
are true
(A) It is secreted by hypothalamus
(B) It is a pentapeptide
(C) It increases the secretion of TSH
(D) Its secretion is inhibited by high level of T3
and T4 in blood
187. In males, luteinising hormone acts on
(A) Leydig cells
(B) Sertoli cells
(C) Prostate gland
(D) All of these
188. All the following statements about FSH are true except
(A) It is a tropic hormone secreted by anterior pituitary
(B) Its secretion is increased by gonadotropin releasing
(C) It acts on Sertoli cells
(D) It increases the synthesis of
189. In males, secretion of luteinising hormone
is inhibited by
(A) Gonadotropin releasing hormone
(C) High blood level of
(D) Inhibin
190. Secretion of luteinising hormone is increased by
(A) GnRH
(C) Testosterone
(D) None of these
191. In structure and function, HCG resembles
(B) LH
(C) GnRH
(D) Progesterone
192. Acromegaly results from overproduction
(A) ACTH during childhood
(B) TSH during adult life
(C) Growth hormone during childhood
(D) Growth hormone during adult
193. Acromegaly results in all the following
(A) Overgrowth of the bones of face, hands and feet
(B) Increased stature
(C) Enlargements of viscera
(D) Impaired glucose tolerance
194. Overproduction of growth hormone
during childhood causes
(A) Acromegaly
(B) Gigantism
(C) Cushing’s disease
(D) Simmond’s disease
195. Decreased secretion of growth hormone during childhood causes
(A) Simmond’s disease
(B) Cushing’s disease
(C) Dwarfism
(D) Cretinism
196. Stature is increased in
(A) Gigantism
(B) Acromegaly
(C) Simmond’s disease
(D) Cushing’s disease
197. An amino acid used for the synthesis of
thyroid hormone is
(A) Tyrosine
(B) Tryptophan
(C) Histidine
(D) Proline
198. An enzyme required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones is
(A) Iodinase
(B) Deiodinase
(C) Thyroperoxidase
(D) Thyroxine synthetase
199. Thyroperoxidase iodinates
(A) Free tyrosine in thyroid gland
(B) Tyrosine residues of thyroglobulin
(C) Tyrosine residues of thyroxine binding
(D) Tyrosine residues of thyroxine binding
200. In thyroxine, tyrosine residues are iodinated at positions:
(A) 1 and 3
(B) 2 and 4
(C) 3 and 5
(D) 4 and 6
201. Thyroid gland takes up circulating iodine
(A) By simple diffusion
(B) By facilitated diffusion
(C) By active uptake
(D) In exchange for chloride
202. Thyroid hormones are present in blood
(A) In free form
(B) In association with thyroxine binding
globulin (TBG)
(C) In association with thyroxine binding pre-albumin
(D) Mainly in association with
TBG, partly in free form and sometimes in association with TBPA
203. When thyroxine binding globulin and thyroxine binding pre-albumin
are saturated with thyroxine, the excess hormone is transported by
(A) Albumin
(B) Gamma globulins
(C) Transcortin
(D) None of these
204. Receptors for thyroid hormones are present
(A) On the cell membrane
(B) Across the cell membrane
(C) Inside the cells
(D) In association with G-proteins
205. Binding of thyroxine to its receptors
(A) Activates Adenylate cyclase
(B) Activates guanylate cyclase
(C) Activates a stimulatory G-protein
(D) Increases transcription
206. The most powerful thyroid hormone is
(A) Reverse T3
(C) T3
(D) T4
207. The most abundant thyroid hormone in
blood is
(A) Free T3
(B) T3 bound to TBG
(C) Free T4
(D) T4 bound to TBG
208. Secretion of thyroid hormones is regulated
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Anterior pituitary
(C) Feedback regulation
(D) All of these
209. Clinical features of hyperthyroidism
(A) Goitre, heat intolerance,
weight loss and tachycardia
(B) Goitre, tremors, tachycardia and cold
(C) Exophthalmos, goiter, tachycardia and loss of
(D) Exophthalmos, goiter, tremors and obesity
210. All the following may occur in hyperthyroidism except
(A) Goitre
(B) Increased appetite
(C) Loss of weight
(D) Low BMR
211. All the following may occur in myxoede-
ma except
(A) Cold intolerance
(B) Low BMR
(C) Tachycardia
(D) Dry and coarse skin
212. Mental retardation can occur in
(A) Cretinism
(B) Juvenile myxoedema
(C) Myxoedema
(D) Juvenile thyrotoxicosis
213. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is synthesised
(A) Chief cells of parathyroid
(B) Oxyphil cells of parathyroid glands
(C) Para follicular cells of thyroid glands
(D) Follicular cells of thyroid gland
214. The number of amino acid residues in PTH:
(A) 51
(B) 84
(C) 90
(D) 115
215. Amino acid residues which are essential for the biological activity
of PTH are
(A) N-terminal 34 amino acids
(B) N-terminal 50 amino acids
(C) C-terminal 34 amino acids
(D) C-terminal 50 amino acids
216. Half-life of PTH is
(A) A few seconds
(B) A few minutes
(C) A few hours
(D) A few days
217. The second messenger for PTH is
(A) Cyclic AMP
(B) Cyclic GMP
(C) Diacylglycerol
(D) Inositol triphosphate
218. PTH causes all of the following except
(A) Increased intestinal absorption of calcium
(B) Increased intestinal absorption of
(C) Increased tubular reabsorption of calcium
(D) Increased tubular
reabsorption of phosphate
219. Secretion of PTH is regulated by
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Anterior pituitary
(C) Feedback effect of plasma PTH
(D) Feedback effect of plasma
220. A high concentration of PTH in blood
(A) Increase in plasma calcium and inorganic
(B) Decrease in plasma calcium and inorganic phosphorous
(C) Increase in plasma calcium
and decrease in plasma inorganic
(D) Decrease in plasma calcium and increase in plasma
inorganic phosphorous
221. Tetany can occur
(A) In primary hyperparathyroidism
(B) In secondary hyperparathyroidism
(C) In idiopathic hypoparathyroidism
(D) After accidental removal of
parathyroid glands
222. Crystallisation of insulin occurs in the
presence of
(A) Chromium
(B) Copper
(C) Zinc
(D) Calcium
223. Daily secretion of insulin is about δ-
(A) 10-20 mg
(B) 40-50 mg
(C) 10-20 units
(D) 40-50 units
224. Insulin receptors are decreased in number
(A) Obesity
(B) Starvation
(C) Hyperinsulinism
(D) Kwashiorkor
225. Insulin binding sites are present on the
(A) α-subunits of insulin
(B) β-subunits of insulin receptor
(C) γ-subunits of insulin receptor
(D) α-and β−subunits of insulin receptor
226. α-Subunits of insulin receptor are present
(A) Outside the cell membrane
(B) In the cell membrane
(C) Across the cell membrane
(D) In the cytosol
227. β-Subunits of insulin receptor are present
(A) Outside the cell membrane
(B) In the cell membrane
(C) Across the cell membrane
(D) In the cytosol
228. In the insulin receptor, tyrosine kinase domain is present in
(A) α-Subunits
(B) β-Subunits
(C) γ-Subunits
(D) δ-Subunits
229. Binding of insulin to its receptor activates
(A) Adenylate cyclase
(B) Guanylate cyclase
(C) Phospholipase C
(D) Tyrosine kinase
230. Insulin receptor is made up of
(A) One α-and one β-subunit
(B) Two α-and two β-subunit
(C) Two, α
two β-and two γ-subunit
(D) One α, one β-one γ-and one δ-subunit
231. Insulin is required for the active uptake of glucose by most of
the cells except
(A) Muscle cells
(B) Renal tubular cells
(C) Adipocytes
(D) Liver cells
232. Insulin decreases
(A) Glycogenesis
(B) Glyolysis
(C) Gluconeogenesis
(D) Tubular reabsorption of glucose
233. Insulin increases
(A) Glycogenesis
(B) Gluconeogenesis
(C) Lipolysis
(D) Blood glucose
234. Insulin increases
(A) Protein synthesis
(B) Fatty acid synthesis
(C) Glycogen synthesis
(D) All of these
235. Insulin decreases the synthesis of
(A) Hexokinase
(B) Glucokinase
(C) PEP carboxykinase
(D) Glycogen synthetase
236. Diabetes mellitus can occur due to all of
the following except
(A) Deficient insulin secretion
(B) Tumour of β−cells
(C) Decrease in number of insulin receptors
(D) Formation of insulin antibodies
237. Hypoglycaemic coma can occur
(A) In untreated diabetes mellitus
(B) In starvation
(C) After overdose of oral hypoglycaemic drugs
(D) After overdose of insulin
238. Second messenger for glucagons is
(A) Cyclic AMP
(B) Diacylglycerol
(C) Cyclic GMP
(D) Inositol triphosphate
239. Number of amino acid residues in
glucagons is
(A) 29
(B) 34
(C) 51
(D) 84
240. Glucagon secretion increases
(A) After a carbohydrate-rich meal
(B) After a fat-rich meal
(C) When blood glucose is high
(D) When blood glucose is low
241. The maineffecting of glucagons is to
(A) Glycolysis in muscles
(B) Glycogenolysis in muscles
(C) Glycogenolysis in liver
(D) Glycogenesis in liver
242. Tyrosine is required for the synthesis of
all of the following except
(A) Melatonin
(B) Epinephrine
(C) Norepinephrine
(D) Thyroxine
243. Dopamine is synthesised from
(A) Dihydroxyphenylalanine
(B) Epinephrine
(C) Norepinephrine
(D) Metanephrine
244. Blood brain barrier can be crossed by
(A) Epinephrine
(B) Dopamine
(C) Dopa
(D) All of these
245. Epinephrine is synthesised in
(A) Chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
(B) Sympathetic ganglia
(C) Brain
(D) All of these
246. Immediate precursor of epinephrine is
(A) Metanephrine
(B) Norepinephrine
(C) Dopa
(D) Dopamine
247. The chief metabolite of catecholamines is
(A) Metanephrine
(B) Normetanephrine
(C) 3, 4-Dihydroxymandelic acid
(D) Vanillylmandelic acid
248. An enzyme involved in catabolism of
catecholamines is
(A) Dopa decarboxylase
(B) Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
(C) Monoamine oxidase
(D) Catechol oxidas
249. Norepinephrine binds mainly to
(A) α-Adrenergic receptors
(B) β-Adrenergic receptrors
(C) Muscarinic receptors
(D) Nicotinic receptors
250. Astimulatory G-protein transduces the
signals from
(A) α1-and β1-adrenergic
(B) α2-and β2-adrenergic
(C) α1-and α2-adrenergic
(D) β1-and β2-adrenergic
251. Binding of catecholamines to α2
2−adrenergic receptors
(A) Increases the intracellular concentration of cAMP
(B) Increases the intracellular concentration of cGMP
(C) Decreases the intracellular
concentration of cAMP
(D) Decreases the intracellular concentration of cGMP
252. Phosphoinositide cascade is activated on
binding of catecholamines to
(A) α1-Adrenergic
(B) α2-Adrenergic receptors
(C) β1-Adrenergic receptors
(D) β2-Adrenergic receptors
253. Epinephrine decreases
(A) Glycogenesis
(B) Glycogenolysis
(C) Gluconeogenesis
(D) Lipolysis
254. Epinephrine increases the concentration of free fatty acids in
plasma by increasing
(A) Extramitochondrial fatty acid synthesis
(B) Mitochondrial fatty acid chain
(C) Microsomal fatty acid chain elongation
(D) Lipolysis in adipose tissue
255. Epinephrine increases all of the following
(A) Glycogenolysis in muscles
(B) Lipolysis in adipose tissue
(C) Gluconeogenesis in muscles
(D) Glucagon secretion
256. Secretion of catecholamines is increased
(A) Cushing’s syndrome
(B) Addison’s disease
(C) Phaeochromocytoma
(D) Simmond’s disease
257. Zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex synthesises
(A) Glucocorticoids
(B) Mineralocorticoids
(C) Androgens
(D) Estrogen and progesterone
258. Cortisol is a
(A) Glucocorticoid
(B) Mineralocorticoid
(C) Androgen
(D) Estrogen
259. The major mineralcorticoid is
(A) Hydrocortisone
(B) Aldosterone
(C) Aldactone A
(D) Androstenedione
260. Steroid hormones are synthesised in all
of the following except
(A) Testes
(B) Ovaries
(C) Adrenal medulla
(D) Adrenal cortex
261. Steroid hormones are synthesised from
(A) Cholesterol
(B) 7-Dehydrocholesterol
(C) Calcitriol
(D) 7-Hydroxycholesterol
262. A common intermediate in the synthesis
of all the steroid hormones
(A) Pregnenolone
(B) 17-Hydroxypregnenolone
(C) Corticosterone
(D) Progesterone
263. A common intermediate in the synthesis
of cortisol and aldosterone
(A) Progesterone
(B) Testosterone
(C) Estradiol
(D) None of these
264. A common intermediate in the synthesis
of estrogens is
(A) Cortisol
(B) Andostenedione
(C) Corticosterone
(D) 11-Deoxycorticosterone
265. Glucocorticoids are transported in blood
(A) In association with transcortin chiefly
(B) In association with albumin to some extent
(C) In free form partly
(D) All of these
266. All the following statements about transcortin are true except
(A) It is synthesised in liver
(B) It transports glucocorticoids
(C) It transports aldosterone
(D) It transports progesterone
267. The second messenger for glucocorticoids
(A) Cyclic AMP
(B) Cyclic GMP
(C) Inositol triphosphate
(D) No second messenger is
268. Glucocorticoids increase all of the follow-
ing except
(A) Gluconeogenesis
(B) Lipolysis in extremities
(C) Synthesis of elcosanoida
(D) Hepatic glycogenesis
269. Glucocorticoids increase the synthesis of
all of the following except
(A) Glucokinase
(B) Glucose-6-phosphatase
(C) Fructose-1, 6-biphosphatase
(D) Pyruvate carboxylase
270. Secretion of glucocorticoida is regulated
by all the following except
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Anterior pituitary
(C) Feedback control by blood
(D) Feedback control by glucocorticoids
271. Excessive secretion of glucocorticoids rais-
es blood glucose by
(A) Decreasing glycogenesis
(B) Increasing glycogenolysis
(C) Increasing gluconeogenesis
(D) Inhibiting HMP shunt
272. Mineralcorticoids regulate the metabolism of all of the following
(A) Sodium
(B) Potassium
(C) Calcium
(D) Chloride
273. Mineralocorticoids increase the tubular
reabsorption of
(A) Sodium and calcium
(B) Sodium and potassium
(C) Sodium and chloride
(D) Potassium and chloride
274. Mineralocorticoids increase the tubular
secretion of
(A) Sodium
(B) Potassium
(C) Chloride
(D) Bicarbonate
275. Secretion of mineralcorticoids is increased
(B) Angiotensin
(C) Hypokalaemia
(D) Hypernatraemia
276. In Addison’s disease, there is excessive
retention of
(A) Potassium
(B) Sodium
(C) Chloride
(D) Water
277. In adrenogenital syndrome due to total absence of 21-hydroxylase
in adrenal
cortex, there is
(A) Deficient secretion of glucocorticoids
(B) Deficient secretion of mineralcorticoids
(C) Excessive secretion of androgens
(D) All of these
278. Spironolactone is an antagonist of
(A) Cortisol
(B) Hydrocortisone
(C) Aldosterone
(D) Testosterone
279. Androgens are synthesised in
(A) Leydig cells in testes
(B) Sertoli cells in testes
(C) Seminiferous tubules
(D) Prostate gland
280. Testosterone is transported in blood by
(A) Transcortin
(B) Testosterone binding globulin
(C) Testosterone estrogen binding
(D) Albumin
281. The metabolites of androgens are
(A) 17-Hydroxysteroids
(B) 17-Ketosteroids
(C) 11-Hydroxysteroids
(D) 11-Ketosteroids
282. An androgen which is more powerful
than testosterone is
(A) Androstenedione
(B) Dihydrotestosterone
(C) Androsterone
(D) Epiandrosterone
283. Secretion of androgens is increased by
(A) LH
(D) Growth hormone
284. During late pregnancy, the major source
of progesterone is
(A) Adrenal cortex
(B) Placenta
(C) Corpus luteum
(D) Graafian follicles
285. Progesterone is transported in blood by
(A) Transcortin
(B) Sex hormone binding globulin
(C) Albumin
(D) Testosterone estrogen binding globulin
286. The major metabolite of progesterone is
(A) Pregnenolone
(B) Pregnanediol
(C) Estradiol
(D) Norethindrone
287. Secretion of progesterone
(A) Is more in first half of menstrual cycle than
in second half
(B) Is more in second half of
menstrual cycle than in first half
(C) Remains constant during menstrual cycle
(D) Decreases during pregnancy
288. Women become susceptible to osteoporosis after menopause due to
(A) Secretion of Parathormone
(B) Conversion of vitamin D into
(C) Secretion of estrogen
(D) Secretion of progesterone
289. A hormone used for detection of pregnancy is
(A) Estrogen
(B) Progesterone
(C) Oxytocin
(D) Chorionic gonadotropin
290. Placenta secretes all of the following
(B) Progesterone
(C) Estrogen
(D) Chorionic gonadotropin
291. Gastrin is a polypeptide made up of
(A) Five amino acids
(B) Twelve amino acids
(C) Seventeen amino acids
(D) Twenty amino acids
292. Biological activity of gastrin is present in
(A) Four N-terminal amino acids
(B) Four C-terminal amino acids
(C) Five N-terminal amino acids
(D) Five C-terminal amino acids
293. All the following statements about β-
endorphin are true except µ
(A) It is a polypeptide
(B) Its precursor is pro-opio-melanocortin
(C) Its receptors are represent in brain
(D) Its action is blocked by
294. All the following statements about
epidermal growth factor are
true except
(A) It is a protein
(B) It possess quaternary
(C) Its receptor is made up of a single
polypep-tide chain
(D) Its receptor possesses tyrosine kinase domain
295. Met-enkephalin is a
(A) Tripeptide
(B) Pentapeptide
(C) Octapeptide
(D) Decapeptide
296. Vasoconstrictor effect of ADH is mediated
(A) cAMP
(B) cGMP
(C) Protein kinase C
(D) Angiotensin II
297. The rate limiting step in catecholamine
synthesis is catalysed by
(A) Phenylalanine hydroxylase
(B) Tyrosine hydroxylase
(C) Dopa decarboxylase
(D) Phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase
298. Dopa decarboxylase is inhibited by
(A) Epinephrine
(B) Norepinephrine
(C) α−Methyldopa
(D) None of these
299. Tyrosine hydroxylase is inhibited by
(A) Catecholamines
(B) α−Methyldopa
(C) Phenylalanine
(D) Vanillyl mandelic acid
300. Urinary excretion of vanillyl madelic acid
is increased in
(A) Phaeochromocytoma
(B) Cushing’s syndrome
(C) Carcinoid syndrome
(D) Aldosteronism
301. Iodide uptake by thyroid gland is decreased by
(A) Thicyanate
(B) Thiouracil
(C) Thiourea
(D) Methimazole
302. Binding of growth hormone to its receptor results in
phosphorylation of
(A) JAK-2
(B) Growth hormone receptor
(D) All of these
303. Binding of growth hormone to its receptor results in increased
(A) c-fos gene
(B) c-myc gene
(C) p-53 gene
(D) None of these
304. Activation of IRS-1, PI-3 kinase and GRB-2 is brought about by
(A) Glucagon
(B) Insulin
(C) Prolactin
(D) IGF-2
305. The protein IRS-1 is phosphorylated by
(A) Protein kinase A
(B) Protein kinase C
(C) Tyrosine kinase activity of insulin receptor
(D) Tyrosine kinase activity of IGF-1 receptor
306. Phosphorylated IRS-1 activates GRB-2
which is
(A) G-protein receptor binding protein-2
(B) Growth factor receptor binding protein-2
(C) Growth hormone receptor binding protein-2
(D) Glucocorticoid receptor binding protein-2
307. STAT proteins are
(A) Thermostat proteins of brain
(B) Glucostat proteins of hepatocyte cell membrane
(C) Short term activators of translation
(D) Signal transduction and
activators of transcription
308. Activated phospholipase C acts on
(A) Phosphatidyl inositol-4,
(B) Inositol-1, 4, 5-triphosphate
(C) Protein kinase C
(D) Pl-3 kinase
309. Phospholipase C is activated by
(A) Gs proteins
(B) Gi proteins
(C) Gq proteins
(D) G12 proteins
310. Proteoglycans are made up of proteins and
(A) Glucosamine
(B) Mannosamine
(C) Sialic acid
(D) Mucopolysaccharides
311 Sweat chlorides are
increased in
(A) Cystic fibrosis
(B) Pancreatic cancer
(C) Acute pancreatitis
(D) None of these
312. All the following statements about cystic
fibrosis are correct except
(A) It is inherited as an autosomal recessive
(B) It affects a number of exocrine glands
(C) It causes increased sweating
(D) Sweat chlorides are above 60 mEq/L in this disease
313. Radioactive iodine uptake by thyroid gland 24
hours of a test dose is
(A) 1.5-15% of the test done
(B) 15-20% of the test done
(C) 20-40% of the test done
(D) 50-70% of the test done
314. Radioactive iodine uptake by thyroid gland is
increased in
(A) Endemic goitre
(B) Hyperthyroidism
(C) Myxoedema
(D) Creatinism
315. Normal range of total thyroxine in serum
(A) 0.8-2.4 ng/dl
(B) 0.8-2.4 µg/dl
(C) 5-12 ng/dl
(D) 5-12 µ g/dl
316. Normal range of total tri-iodothyronine
in serum is
(A) 0.1-0.2 ng/dl
(B) 0.1-0.2 µg/dl
(C) 0.8-2.4 ng/dl
(D) 0.8-2.4 µg/dl
317. Administration of TSH increases serum T3
and T4 in
(A) Hyperthyroidism of pituitary origin
(B) Hyperthyroidism of thyroid origin
(C) Hypothyroidism of pituitary
(D) Hypothyroidism of thyroid origin
318. High level of T3 and T4 and low TSH in
serum indicates
(A) Hyperthyroidism of pituitary origin
(B) Hypothyroidism of pituitary origin
(C) Hyperthyroidism of thyroid
(D) Hypothyroidism of thyroid origin
319. BMR is increased in
(A) Endemic goitre
(B) Thyrotoxicosis
(C) Myxoedema
(D) Cretinism
320. Which one of the following statements correctly describes
eukaryotic DNA?
(A) If uses DNA polymerase with nuclease
(B) It is replicated bidirectionally at many
(C) It contains no repetitive DNA
(D) It is nonlinear
321. Which one of the following causes frame shift mutation?
(A) Transition
(B) Transversion
(C) Deletion
(D) Substitution of purine to pyrimidine
322. The second messenger for many hor-
mones is
(B) cyclic AMP
(C) cGMP
323. The most potent hormone concerned with the retention of sodium in
the body is
(A) Cortisone
(B) Aldosterone
(C) Corticosterone
(D) Cortisol
324. Aspirin blocks the synthesis of
(A) Prostaglandins only
(B) Prostacyclins only
(C) Thromboxanes only
(D) All of these
325. Retention of sodium in the body leads to
a retention of
(A) Potassium
(B) Water
(C) Potassium and water
(D) Neither potassium nor water
326. cAMP is so called because it is formed during
(A) TCA cycle
(B) Urea cycle
(C) Rhodopsin cycle
(D) It has a cyclic structure
327. Protein bound iodine is _________ bound
to protein.
(A) Iodine
(B) Thyroid hormones
(C) Thyroxine
(D) Tri iodo thyronine
328. In hypophysectonized animals, fasting
(A) Severe hyperglycemia
(B) Hypoglycemia
(C) No change in blood sugar
(D) Mild hyper glycemia
329. Calcitomica is antagonist to
(A) Serotonin
(B) Thyroxine
(C) Tri iodo thyronine
(D) Para thyroid hormone
330. There is polyuria without glycosuria in this disorder
(A) Diabetes insipidus
(B) Diabetes millitus
(C) Bronze diabetes
(D) Juvenile diabetes
331. In hyperparathyroidism there is
(A) Hypocalcemia
(B) Hypophophatemia
(C) Hypokalemia
(D) Hyperkalemia
332. Insulin resistance is encountered in
(A) Addison’s disease
(B) Hypothyroidism
(C) Hypopituctarism
(D) Acromegaly
333. Richest source of prostaglandins in a
human male is
(A) Blood
(B) Urine
(C) Semen
(D) C.S.F.
334. One of the following is not used as a
second messenger by
(A) mRNA
(B) cAMP
(C) Calcium ions
(D) Myoinisotol 1, 4, 5 triphosphate
335. This pancreatic hormone increases the
blood-sugar level:
(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) Pancreozymin
(D) Pancreatic polypeptide
336. Which one of the following statements is
fully correct?
(A) Hormones are needed in the diet
(B) Hormones can be elaborated only by endocrine
(C) All the hormones enter the cells and perform
their function
(D) Hormones are substance
synthesized in the body in small
quantities and control and
regulate metabolic events
337. T3 is
(A) Thyroxine
(B) Triodo thyronine
(C) Triodo tyrosine
(D) Reverse tri iodo thyronine
338. Whcih of the following hormone is a peptide of less than ten
amino acids?
(A) Insulin
(B) Growth hormone
(C) Oxytocin
(D) Parathyroid hormone
339. Tyrosine of thyroglobulin is acted upon by ________ to give mono
and diiodo
(A) Potassium Iodide
(B) Iodine
(C) Iodide I
(D) Higher valency state of
iodine (I+)
340. Whcih of the following hormone does not
activate adenylate cyclase?
(A) Epinephrine
(B) Glucagon
(C) Parathyroid hormone
(D) Insulin
341. Pheochromacytoma is a tumor of
(A) adrenal medulla
(B) bone
(C) head of Pancreas
(D) pituitary
342. Which one of the following statements is
(A) Insulin increases glucose phosphorylation
(B) Insulin increases glycolysis
(C) Insulin augments HMP shunt
(D) Insulin promotes
343. Which of one ring in the structure of the
following is aromatic?
(A) Androgens
(B) Estrogens
(C) Cholesterol
(D) Bile acids
344. Which of one of the following is not GUT
(A) Motiline
(B) Secretion
(C) Gastrin
(D) Calcitonin
345. Which of the following hormones are synthesized as prehormones
(A) Vasopressin and oxytocin
(B) Growth hormone and insulin
(C) Insulin and parathyroid
(D) Insulin and Glucagon
346. This hormone has disulphide group:
(A) Glucagon
(B) Insulin
(C) T4
(D) Epinephrine
347. The blood sugar raising action of the hormone of suprarenal
cortex is due to
(A) Glyconeogenesis
(B) Glycogenolysis
(C) Glucagon like activity
(D) due to inhibition of glomerular filtration of glucose
348. Hyper insulinism can cause coma since
(A) The chief nutrient for the
brain is glucose
(B) The chief nutrient for the heart is glucose
(C) The glucostatic role of the liver is damaged
(D) The kidneys are damaged
349. Which of the following property of prostaglandins has been
utilized by
chinicians in hospital for
(A) Inducing fever
(B) Causing inflammation
(C) Effecting smooth muscle
(D) Disaggregation of spermatozoa
350. A major structural difference between estrogens and androgens is
the fact that
(A) The androgens are usually C21
(B) The estrogens are usually digiton in
(C) The androgens have an aromatic ring
(D) The estrogens have an
aromatic ring
351. Alloxan can experimentally induce
diabetes mellitus due to
(A) Stimulation of α cells of the islets of
(B) Necrosis of the β cells of
the islets
(C) Potentiation of insulinase activity
(D) Epinephrine like action
352. Which of the following alleviates asthma?
(A) PGE1 only
(B) PGE1 and PGE2
(C) PGF2
353. Thyroxine is derived from
(A) Tyrosine
(B) Tyranine
(C) Taurine
(D) Tryptaine
354. Adrneal cortical response is poor in
(A) Kwashiorkor
(B) Marasmus
(C) Fatty liver
(D) Atherosclerosis
355. Protein bound iodine in blood is present to the extent of _______
/ dL
(A) 3-8 mg
(B) 4-8 mg
(C) 3-8 gm
(D) 4-8 gm
356. Prostaglandins are
(A) C2 unsaturated
(B) C27 saturated alcohols
(C) C20 saturated acids
(D) C27 saturated alcohols
357. Which of tne of the following scientists has not worked in the
field of pros-
(A) Voneuler
(B) Sultan Karim
(C) Andre robet
(D) Kendal
358. The suffix number in the names of
prostaglandins gives the
number of
(A) OH groups
(B) Double bonds
(C) Acid groups
(D) Ketoacids
359. One of the important functions of
prostacyclins is
(A) Inhibition of platelet
(B) Contraction of uterus
(C) Decrease of gastric secretion
(D) Relieving osthma
360. Vasopressin is also known as
(A) Antidiabetogenic hormone
(B) Antidiuretic hormone
(C) Somatotropic hormone
(D) Pitoxin
361. Which of the following is used for inducing
(A) Prostaglandins
(B) Prostacyclins
(C) Vasopressin
(D) Thromboxanes
362. Which of the following does not have
disulphide bond?
(A) Oxytocin
(B) Vasopressin
(C) Insulin
(D) Glucagon
363. Which is incorrect ? Epinephrin promotes
the glycogenolysis in
(A) Muscle
(B) Liver
(C) Heart
(D) None of these
364. Which of one of the following is released
by hypothalamus?
(A) Somatostatin
(B) Somatotropic hormone
(C) Somato medin C
(D) Luteinising hormone
365. Which one of the following is not liberated
by the adenohypophysis?
(A) Growth hormone
(D) Gonadotropin
366. Which of the following hormone is not
under the control of ACTH?
(A) Aldosterone
(B) Cortisol
(C) Corticosterone
(D) Deoxycorticosterone
367. Which of the following organ prefers
fructose to glucose
(A) Liver
(B) Testes
(C) Pancreas
(D) Heart
368. Total synthesis of creatine can be done by
(A) Liver
(B) Kidneys
(C) Pancreas
(D) Heart
369. Thyrotropin releasing hormone is a
(A) Dipeptide
(B) Tripeptide
(C) Octapeptide
(D) Decapeptide
370. Hypthalamo _________ gonadal oxis, fill
up the blank with the
suitable word.
(A) Adrenal
(B) Thyroid
(C) Hypophyseal
(D) Pancreatic
371. The sequence of amino acids in human growth hormone and the
synthesis were
done by
(A) Sanger
(B) Krebs
(C) Chah Holi
(D) Molisch
372. Proopiomelanocortin is the precussor of
(B) β-tropin
(C) Endorphins
(D) All of these
373. Adrenalin is synthesized from
(A) Adenine
(B) Adenosine
(C) Tyrosine
(D) Tryptophan
374. Corticotropin releasing hormone controls the direct release of
(A) Pro-opiomelanocortin
(B) α MSH
(C) β MSH
(D) Endorphins
375. The immediate parent of α, β and γ endorphins is
(A) Pro-opiomelanocortin
(B) β-lipotropin
(D) Lipoprotein
376. Prolactin release inhibiting hormone is believed to be
(A) Serotonin
(B) Norepinephrine
(C) Dopanine
(D) Acetyl choline
377. Whcih one of the following is not a symptom of cushing’s disease?
(A) Hyperglycemia
(B) Hypernatremia
(C) Hirsutism
(D) Hyperkalemia
378. Insulin increases the permeability of glucose across the plasma
membrane of
muscle cells by
(A) Acting on adenylate cycle
(B) By loosening the integrity of the membrane
(C) Through Ca2+ ions
(D) By membrane cruting the
hexose carries of intracellular organelles and making them fuse
with the plasma membrane
379. Somatostatin is produced by
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Pancreas
(C) Hypothalamus and pancreas
(D) Hypothalamus and Adrenals
380. Insulin like growth hormones are produced by
(A) Hypophysis
(B) Liver
(C) Pancreas
(D) Thyroid
381. In pheochromocytoma, urine will have
(C) 5 HIAA
(D) Lysine and Arginine
382. Aldosteronism will present the chemical pathology of
(A) Addison’s
(B) Cushing’s
(C) Grave’s
(D) Hartnup’s
383. One of the following does not bind T3 and T4:
(A) Albumin
(D) Haptoglobin
384. Epinephrine causes in muscle:
(A) Gluconeogenesis
(B) Glycogenesis
(C) Glycolysis
(D) Glycogenolysis
385. Reverse T3 is
(A) A synthetic compound given counter the
effects of T 3
(B) Formed from T4 but
has no hormone function
(C) Formed by isomerisation of T3
(D) Formed from T4 and has hormone
386. This pancreatic hormone promotes hypo-
(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) Stomato station
(D) Pancreozymine
387. It is unique that the following single antidiabetogenic hormone
counter acts the several
diabetogenic hormones:
(A) Glucagon
(B) Glucocorticoids
(C) Insulin
(D) Growth hormone
388. Which of the following statements is
(A) Thyroxine inhibits utilization of glucose
(B) Insulin increases utilization of glucose
(C) Glucagon promotes muscle glycogenolysis
(D) Insulin inhibits lipogenesis from
389. Steroid hormones are synthesized from
(A) Adenine
(B) Protein
(C) Vitamin
(D) Cholesterol
390. Hormones act only on specific organs or
tissues. These are called
(A) Active sites
(B) Reaction centre
(C) Target organ/Tissue
(D) Physiological site
391. __________ hormone is a single chain polypeptide having 32 amino
acids with
molecular weight of 3,600.
(A) Testosteron
(B) Thyroxine
(C) Calcitonine
(D) Vasopressin
392. Which of the following is noted in cushing’s syndrome, a tumor
disease of the adrenal
(A) Decreased production of epinephrine
(B) Excessive production of epinephrine
(C) Excessive production of vasopressin
(D) Excessive production of
393. A cup of strong coffee would be expected
(A) Interfere with synthesis of prostaglandins
(B) Decrease the effects of Glucagon
(C) Enhance the effects of
(D) Provide the vitamin nicotinic acid
394. Increased reabsorption of water from the kidney is the major
consequence of which
of the following hormones?
(A) Cortisol
(B) Insulin
(C) Vasopressin
(D) Aldosterone
395. Lack of Glucocorticoids and mineral corticoids might be
consequence of which of the following defects in the adrenal cortex?
(A) Androstenadione deficiency
(B) Estrone deficiency
(C) 17 α-OH progesterone deficiency
(D) C- α-Hydroxylase deficiency
396. ADP ribosylation is the mode of action of
(A) Cholera toxin
(B) Acetyl choline
(C) Muscerinic receptors
(D) Cyclic AMP
397. Which one of the following hormones is derived most completely
from tyrosine?
(A) Glucagon
(B) Thyroxine
(C) Insulin
(D) Prostaglandins
398. Insulin regulates fatty acid synthesis by
(A) Dephosphorylating of acetyl
CoA carboxylase
(B) Activating phosphorylase
(C) Inhibiting malonyl CoA formation
(D) Controlling carnitine-Acyl CoA transferase activity
399. Hormonal stimulation of the formation of the second messenger
inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) quickly leads to the release of
which other intracellular
(A) cAMP
(B) Prostaglandin
(C) Calcinon
(D) Leukotriene
400. Hormone receptors that stimulate cAMP
(A) are part of a complex of two proteins that
transform the external signal into internal
cAMP production
(B) are proteins distinct and
separate from those that catalyze the production of cAMP
(C) cause release of the catalytic subunit upon binding
of the hormone
(D) are not very specific and bind a number of
different hormones
401. All the following hormones use cAMP as a second messenger except
(A) Estrogen
(C) Luteinizing
(D) Glucagon
402. All the following hormones promote hyperglycemia except
(A) Epinephrine
(B) Norepinephrine
(C) Insulin
(D) Glucagon
403. Glucagon activates the enzyme adenyl-cyclase which causes the
increase of blood
sugar level. Hence this
hormone is called
(A) Hypoglycemic factor
(B) Hyper glycemic factor
(C) Antidiauritic factor
(D) Thyrotropin-releasing factor
404. TSH hormone biochemically is a
(A) Protein
(B) Fat
(C) Glycoprotein
(D) Carbohydrate
405. The secondary sexual characters in females is
effected by
(A) Estrogens
(B) Gluco corticoids
(D) None of these
406. A hypochromic microcytic anaemia which
increases Fe, store in the bone marrow
may be
(A) Folic acid responsive
(B) Vitamin B12 responsive
(C) Pyridoxine responsive
(D) Vitamin C responsive
407. Gastric Secretion is regulated by the
(A) Glucagon
(B) Gastrin
(C) Epinephrin
408. An essential agent for converting glucose
to glycogen in liver is
(A) Latic acid
(D) Pyruvic acid
409. Which of the following hormones is not
involved in carbohydrate metabolism?
(B) Glucagon
(C) Vasopressin
(D) Growth hormone
410. In the process of transcription, the flow
of genetic information is from
(A) DNA to DNA
(B) DNA to protein
(C) RNA to protein
(D) DNA to RNA
411. Anticodon region is an important part of
the structure of
(A) r-RNA
(B) t-RNA
(C) m-RNA
(D) z-DNA
412. Thyroid function is determined by the use
of isotopes:
(A) Na24
(B) K42
(C) Ca45
(D) I131
413. Pernicious anaemia is diagnosed by the radio
active substance:
(A) Cl36
(B) P32
(C) CO60
(D) Fe59
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