MCQ's of Bacterial Growth in microbiology

 Hello friends, in today's article we see the MCQ's of Bacterial Growth in microbiology. So let's see one by one MCQ's of Bacterial growth in microbiology

MCQ's of Bacterial Growth in microbiology

MCQ’s of Bacterial Growth 

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1.     Multiple antibiotic resistance is mediated by

a.   Episome                

b.    Plasmid

c. Colplasmid           

d. Both b and c

2.     “Antagonism “ is seen in

a.   Lag phase              

b.    Plasmids

c. Log phase              

d. None of these

3.     the first phase of a growth curve is

a.   Log phase            

b.    Lag phase

c.  phase                   

d. Both a and b

4.     In gram positive and gram negative bacteria the electron transport contains

a.   Naphthquinone      

b.    Plastoquinone

c. Ubiquinone           

d. Both a and b

5.     Growth in a closed system, affected by nutrient limitation and waste product accumulation is called

a.   Batch culturing       

b.    Ascus

c. Fruiting body        

d. Sporangiosphore

6.     Cells are active and synthesizing new protoplasm. This stage of growth is called

a.   Lag phase            

b.    Stationary phase

c. Log phase              

d. All of these

7.     Which one of the following tissues can metabolize glucose, fatty acids and ketone bodies for ATP production?

a.   Liver                    

b.    Muscle

c.  Brain                   

d. R.B.C

8.     Which one of the following mineral elements play an important role in biological nitrogen fixation

a.   Copper                

b.    Magnesium

c.  Zinc                     

d. Molybdenum

9.     Rapid bacterial growth phase is known as

a.   Log                     

b.    Lag

c. Lack                     

d. None of these

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10.     Clostridium welchii spore formation can be induced only on specified media such as

a.   Wilson-Blair medium

b.   Macconkey medium

c.  Ellner medium

d.   Thayee-Martion medium


11.  Mycotoxins are formed during the end of

a.   Lag phase            

b.    Log phase

c. Death phase          

d. Stationary phase

12.     Bacteria which need oxygen for growth are called

a.   Thermophilic bacteria

b.   Microaerophilic bacteria

c.  Facultative anaerobic bacteria

d.   Mycobacteria

13.     pH required for the growth of bacteria is

a.  6.8 7.2              

b. 5.6 – 8.2

c.  3.0 6.0              

d. 8.0 – 14.0

14.     Drug resistance in bacteria is mainly determined by factor:

a.   F                         

b.    R

c.  Col                      

d. Lysogenic factor

15.     The ion that is required in trace amounts for the growth of bacteria is

a.   Calcium              

b.   Magnesium

c.  Cobalt                  

d. Sodium

16.     The most important vitamin for the growth of bacteria is

a.   B-complex             

b.    Vitamin A

c. Vitamin D              

d. Vitamin C

17.     The principle in microbiological assays is

a.   At certain range the concentration of growth factor will bear a linear relationship to the amount of nutrients added

b.   Concentration of growth factor have a linear relationship with the growth of the organism

c.  Both a and b

d.   None of the above

18.     If the source of energy for bacteria is from chemical compounds they are said to be

a.   Phototrophs

b.   Autotrophs

c.  Chemotrophs

d.   Chemolithotroph

19.     In the synthesis of cell components the major element required is

a.   Nitrogen              

b.    Sulphur

c. Carbon                 

d. Oxygen

20.     For the formation of cell-components the elements required are

a.   Nitrogen              

b.    Oxygen

c. Sulphur                

d. All of these

21.     For the synthesis of amino acids cysteine, cystine and methionine the element required is

a.   Sulphur                

b.   b. Oxygen

c.  Nitrogen               

d. None of these

22.     Sulphur can be utilized by bacteria in the form of

a.   Organic compounds

b.   Inorganic compounds

c.  Elemental  compounds

d.   All of the above

23.     Phosphorous is an essential component of

a.   Nucleotides

b.   Nucleic acids

c.  Phospholipids and Heichoic acids

d.   All the above

24.     Trace elements are

a.   Zn+2, Cu+2, Mn+2

b.   MO6+, Ni2+, B3+ and CO2+

c.  Both a and b

d.   None of these

25.     Most bacteria do not require the ion

a.   Mg2+                 

b.    Ca2+

c.  Na+                     

d. Fe+2

26.     Vitamin function as

a.   Co-enzymes

b.   Co-melecules

c.  Building blocks of cell

d.   None of these

27.     The vitamin required for Lactobacillus species is

a.   Riboflavin             

b.    Niacin

c. Pyridoxine            

d. Folic acid

28.     Vitamin K is necessary for the species

a.   Lactobacillus spp.

b.   Bacillus anthracis

c.  Bacteroides melaninogenicus

d.   All of these

29.     The bacteria which are able to grow at 0°C but which grow at 20°C to 30°C, are known as

a.   Psychrophiles

b.   Facultative psychrophiles

c.  Average psychrophiles

d.   Mesophiles

30.     Radical shifts can be prevented by adding

a.   Acids                   

b.    Alkali

c. Buffer                  

d. None of these

31.     The orderly increase in the quantity of all the cellular components is known as

a.   Reproduction         

b.    Growth

c. Binary fission         

d. None of these

32.     The most common mode of cell division in bacteria is

a.   Binary fission

b.   Transverse binary fission

c.  Longitudinal binary fission

d.   None of these

33.     How much time a bacterium take for the complete duplication?

a.   30 min.                

b.    10 min.

c.  20 min.                 

d. 25 min.

34.     The generation time is

a.   The time required for the cell to divide

b.   The total division of the cell during its life time

c.  The total no.of cells formed

d.   None of these

35.     In bacteria, the increase in population is in the manner

a.   Geometric progression

b.   Multiplication

c.  Doubling

d.   None of these

36.     Physiologically the cells are active and are synthesizing new protoplasm in which stage of the growth in bacteria

a.   Log phase            

b.    Lag phase

c. Stationary phase    

d. None of these

37.     The most active stage in the sigmoid curve of bacteria in which maximum growth is attained

a.   Lag phase            

b.    Stationary phase

c. Decline phase         

d. Log phase

38.     Log-phase is also known as

a.   Death phase           

b.    Exponential phase

c. Lag-phase             

d. None

39.     The no. of generations per hour in a bac- teria is

a.   Growth rate           

b.    Generation time

c. Sigmoid curve        

d. None of these

40.     In the sigmoid curve (or) growth curve of bacteria how many stages are there

a.   3                         

b.    4

c.  2                          

d. 5

41.     The reproduction rate is equal to death rate in which stage

a.   Decline phase          

b.    Stationary phase

c. Lag phase              

d. Log phase

42.     Minimum growth temperature is

a.   The growth of organisms at lowest temperature

b.   The lowest temperature at which the microorganisms grow

c.  The maximum temperature at which the growth is stable

d.   None of these

43.     Optimum growth temperature is greater that 45oC is

a.   Mesophiles             

b.    Thermophiles

c. Psychrophiles           

d. None of these

44.     The organisms which can grow both in presence and absence of oxygen

a.   Aerobes

b.   Anaerobes

c.  Faculative anaerobes

d.   Strict aerobes

45.     The organisms which can grow best in the presence of a low concentration of oxygen

a.   Aerophilic              

b.    Microaerophilic

c. Aerobic                 

d. Anaerobic

46.     The compound that is added to the medium to absorb oxygen for the creation of anaerobic conditions

a.   Sodium Thioglycollate

b.   Nitrous acid

c.  Citrate

d.   None of these

47.     The utilization of light energy to drive the synthesis of ATP is called as

a.   Photolysis

b.   Photophosphorylation

c.  Photosynthesis

d.   Respiration

48.     During cyclic phosphorylation NADP is formed or not.

a.   No NADP formation

b.   No NADP utilization

c.  NADP is converted into NADPH

d.   All are correct

49.     Cyclic phosphorylation is generally present in

a.   Cyanobacteria        

b.    Algae

c.  Bacteria                  

d. Plants

50.     Non-cyclic photophosphorylation is also known as

a.   Oxygenic photosynthesis

b.   Photosynthesis

c.  Anoxygenic photosynthesis

d.   Photophosphorylation

51.     The number of ATP molecules formed during cyclic phosphorylation are

a.   One                     

b.    Two

c.  Four                    

d. Six

52.     Artificial transformation in laboratory is carried out by treating the cells with

a.   MgCl2               

b.    Cacl2

c.  NaCl                    

d. HCl

53.     The process of formation of mesozygote is called

a.   Meromixis             

b.    Exozygote

c. Mitosis                  

d. Meiosis

54.     Which of the following organisms requires tryptophan for growth?

a.   H.influenza            

b.    Vibrio

c. Gonococci             

d. S.typhi

55.     Tubercular bacilli grow best in

a.   Absence of O2      

b.    Presence of CO2

c.  Presence of O2      

d. None of these

56.     Mycotoxins are formed during the end of

a.   Lag phase            

b.    Log phase

c. Death phase          

d. Stationary phase

57.     The suitable temperature to transport viral culture is

a.   30oC                  

b.   b. 5oC

c. 25oC                   

d. 45oC

e. None of these

58.     Growth curve does not include following phases of bacteria

a.   Decline phase          

b.   b. Stationary phase

c. Lag phase              

d. Synchronous growth

59.     Bacteria are more sensitive to antibiotics at which phase of growth curve?

a.   Decline phase          

b.   Stationary phase

c. Lag phase              

d. Log phase


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