Chromosome Walking MCQs most probably ask in CSIR NET Exam

 Hello friends, in today's article, we see the Chromosome Walking MCQs from genetic engineering, so let's see chromosome walking MCQs.

Chromosome Walking MCQs most probably ask in CSIR NET Exam

Chromosome Walking MCQs:-

Chromosome Walking MCQs most probably ask in Exam

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Chromosome Walking MCQs:-

1. The map of the chromosome which shows identifiable sites is called___________

a) Gene expression

b) Genome sequencing

c) Chromosome walking

d) Genome map

2. Location of genetic markers is facilitated by physical mapping on the basis of the frequency of recombination.

a) True

b) False

3. What is chromosome walking?

a) Hybridization technique

b) Sequencing technique

c) Genetic marker

d) Chemical degradation technique

4. What is the unit of a genetic map?

a) Centimeter

b) Nanometer

c) Angstrom

d) Centimorgan

5. Which of the following statement is NOT true for genetic markers?

a) A gene or a DNA sequence

b) Associated with a particular trait

c) Anything can be used as a genetic marker

d) The first genetic map was prepared was of fruit fly

6. Which of the following is NOT a DNA marker?


b) Hormone



7. What is the full form of RFLP?

a) Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms

b) Random Fragment Length Polymorphism

c) Restriction Find in Length of DNA Polymer

d) Restriction Fragment Length Polymers

8. Which of the following technique is used for the amplification of DNA fragments?





9. Out of the following, which technique detect single nucleotide polymorphism?




d) SNP

10. Name the mapping technique used to determine the position of restriction sites in a DNA molecule.

a) Genetic map

b) Restriction mapping

c) Biochemical markers

d) DNA markers

11. Sometimes successive rounds of screening of a genomic library are carried out and an ordered collection of clones is done in a linear fashion, then the process is called as ___________

a) chromosome jumping

b) chromosome sorting

c) chromosome walking

d) transposon tagging

12. If the clone for a gene is obtained on the basis of its position in the gene map, then it is called as ___________

a) locational cloning

b) positional cloning

c) chromosome walking

d) transposon tagging

13. Mobile portions of a chromosome which can be transferred from one portion to another are termed as ___________

a) mobile part

b) transposons

c) walking elements

d) transferrable genetic element

14. At times screening is done for the protein product of DNA of interest rather than the sequence itself. How many methods are there to carry out this?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

15) Choose the correct statement if the screening is carried out by screening by expression in vivo.

a) The proportion of recombinants carrying the gene of interest is small

b) The recombinants carrying the gene of interest don’t complement the host mutation

c) Mutation should be affecting many genes

d) Most of the products selected would be the result of complementation


1) D

2) B

3) A

4) D

5) C

6) B

7) A

8) C

9) D

10) B

11) C

12) B

13) B

14) B

15) A
