MCQ's of bacterial nutrition in microbiology

 Hello friends, in today's article we see the MCQ's of bacterial nutrition. so let's see one by one mcq's of Bacterial nutrition.

MCQ's of bacterial nutrition in microbiology

MCQ’s of Bacterial nutriation

1.     The main product of glycolysis under aerobic conditions is

a.       Pyruvate          

b.        Lactate

c. None of these    

d. Both a and b

2.     The protein moiety of an enzyme is known as

a.       Holo enzyme  

b.        Apo enzyme

c. Co enzyme       

d. Enzyme

3.     Yeast extract is an excellent source of

a.       A Vitamin       

b.        Proteins

c. B Vitamin        

d. Carbohydrates

4.     Example of anaerobic medium

a.       Wilson blair medium

b.       Mac conkey broth

c.      Robertson’s cooked meat medium

d.       EMB agar

5.     Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of:

a.       Industrial wastes poured into water bodies

b.       Extent to which water is polluted with organic compounds

c.      Amount of carbon monoxide inseparably combined with haemoglobin

d.       Amount of oxygen needed by green plants during night

6.     An example of competitive inhibition of an enzyme is the inhibition of

a.       Succinic dehydrogenase by malonic acid

b.       Cytochrome oxidase by cyanide

c.      Hexokinase by glucose-6-phosphate

d.       Carbonic anhydrase by carbon dioxide

7.     The following organisms have been proposed as sources of single cell protein

a.       Bacteria           

b.        Yeasts

c.  Algae             

d. All the three

8.     Nitrites are oxidized to nitrates by a microorganism

a.       Nitrosomonas    

b.        Nitrosococcus

c. Nitrobacter      

d. Azatobacter

9.     The major constituents in agar are

a.       Fats                

b.        Aminoacids

c. Polysaccharides  

d. Polypeptides

10.     Match the following expressions with their respective bacteria A to E:

1.      K = log (a/a –x) x t1  A. Temperature effect

2.      K = Cn t                   B. Watson’s expression

3.      K1/K2 = q(T2-T1)    C. Concentration of bactericide

4.      x2 = 4D t In (mo/m) D. Film coefficient

E. Fick’s law

Answer: 10. 1.b,2.c,3.a,4.e

11.   Name the type of bacteria which uses Co2 as a sole source of carbon for growth.
a) Organotrophs
b) Heterotrophs
c) Autotrophs
d) Lithotrophs

12.  Name those bacteria which obtain energy from chemical compounds?
a) Chemotrophs
b) Phototrophs
c) Organotrophs
d) Heterotrophs

13.  Name the type of bacteria which uses reduced inorganic substances as an electron source?
a) Autotrophs
b) Chemotrophs
c) Organotrophs
d) Lithotrophs

Read more MCQ's of Sterilization and culture media

14.  Which of the following bacteria does not belong to photolithoautotrophy nutritional class?
a) Thiomargarita namibiensis
b) Purple sulfur bacteria
c) Blue-green bacteria
d) Green sulfur bacteria

15.  Purple and green non-sulfur bacteria belongs to which of the following classes?
a) Photolithoautotrophy
b) Photoorganohetrotrophy
c) Chemolithoautotrophy
d) Chemoorganohetrotrophy

16.  Nitrifying bacteria belongs to the nutritional class of_______
a) Chemoorganoautotrophy
b) Photolithoautrophy
c) Chemolithoautotrophy
d) Photoorganohetrotrophy

17.  Which of the following species falls under the category of hydrogen-producing bacteria?
a) Thiobacillus thiooxidans
b) Nitrosomonas europaea
c) Nitrobacter winogradskyi
d) Alkaligenes eutrophus

18.  The exact composition of complex media should be known.
a) True
b) False

19.  Which of these is NOT a selective media?
a) Blood agar
b) Eosin methylene blue agar
c) MacConkey agar
d) Mannitol salt agar

20.  Name the protein which plays an important role in cell division?
a) Actin
b) FtsZ
c) HSP
d) HU

21.   The organisms which can use reduced inorganic compounds as electron donors are known as _________
a) chemotrophs
b) organotrophs
c) lithotrophs
d) phototrophs

22.  Which of the following is the nutritional characterization of Escherichia coli?
a) Chemotrophic
b) Organotrophic
c) Autotrophic
d) Chemotrophic, Organotrophic, Heterotrophic

23.  Which of the following amino acids require sulphur for their synthesis?
a) tryptophan
b) methionine
c) cystine
d) methionine and cystine

24.  Phosphorus is essential component of __________
a) teichoic acid
b) nucleotides
c) phospholipids
d) teichoic acid, nucleotides, phospholipids

25.  Which of the following are trace elements?
a) Potassium ion
b) Sodium ion
c) Copper ion
d) Magnesium ion

26.  Which of the following ions are cofactors for various enzymes?
a) Potassium ion
b) Iron ion
c) Magnesium ion and Iron ion
d) Calcium ion

27.  ”Red extreme halophiles”, are members of the archaebacterial which cannot grow with less than 12 to 15 percent NaCl.
a) True
b) False

28.  Which of the following are functions of water in the culture medium?
a) nutrients must be in aqueous solution
b) cofactor of enzymes
c) provides resistance to sudden transient temperature changes
d) it is a chemical reactant, nutrients must also be present in aqueous solution and provide resistance to sudden temperature changes

29.  Chromatium okenii uses which of the following compound as electron donor?
a) Hydrogen sulphide
b) Fatty acids
c) Alcohol
d) Succinate

30.  Which of the following bacteria can grow both as chemolithotrophs or as chemoorganotrophs?

a) Nitrosomonas sp.
b) Pseudomonas pseudoflava
c) Rhodospirillum rubrum
d) Chromatium okenii

31.  Which of the following is not the characteristics of a growth curve?

a)    Shows development of microbial population under relatively stable environmental conditions

b)    Plotted with logarithmic numbers

c)     Graphs numbers of microbes versus time\

d)    Each growth curve consist of four distinct phages

32.  Generation time of E.coli     is

a)    20 minutes

b)    20 hours

c)     20 days

d)    200 hours

33.  The organisms which optain their energy from chemicals are designated as

a)    Prototrophs

b)    Chemotrophs

c)     Organotrophs

d)    Autotrophs

34.  Nutrient content  and biological structure are considered as

a)    Implicit factor of factor for microbial growth

b)    Intrinsic factor for microbial growth

c)     Processing factor

d)    None of the above

35.  The organisms which grow best above 45 celcious are called as

a)    Psychrophilic

b)    Mesosphilic

c)     Thermophilic

d)    Any of the above

36.  Implicit factors

a)    Depends on developing microflora

b)    Can be synergistic

c)     Both a and b

d)    None of these above

37.  Which of the following is used to grow bacterial cultures continuously?

a)    Chemostat

b)    Coulter counter

c)     Hemostat

d)    Petroff-hausser chamber
