MCQ's of Structure of Atoms and Molecules in Biochemistry

 Hello friends, in today's article we see the MCQ's of Structure of Atoms and Molecules in biochemistry. So let's see one by one MCQ's of Structure of atoms and molecules.

MCQ's of Structure of Atoms and Molecules in Biochemistry

MCQ's of Structure of Atoms and Molecules

1.               The chemical formula C6H12O6 contains much information. However, what information is NOT provided by the formula?

A.    the number of atoms in a molecule

B.    the name of the substance

C.    the elements that make up the substance

D.   D. whether the substance is covalent or ionic

2.          Which of the particles listed below is the smallest?

A.   A. an atom

B.    a proton

C.    an ion

D.    a molecule

3.          The chemical name for sodium is which of the following?

A.   D. Na

B.    So

C.    K

D.   D. Si

4.          A molecular compound may be defined by which of the following?

A.    atoms from non-metal elements covalently bonded.

B.    atoms from metal elements covalently bonded

C.    atoms from metal elements and non-metal elements covalently bonded

D.   D. atoms from non-metal elements ironically bonded

5.          Many drugs are neutralised to form salts and administered in this form. What is the main advantage of administering the salt form of the drug? It is usually:

A.   A. less toxic

B.    more soluble in water

C.    more pleasant to taste

D.   D. more soluble in lipid

6.          One of the following is INCORRECT. Which one?

A.   A. metal atoms will form compounds with non-metal atoms.

B.    metal atoms will form compounds with metal atoms.

C.    non-metal atoms will form compounds with non-metal atoms.

D.  D. metal atoms will not form compounds with metal atoms.

7.          Choose the correct statement about hydrogen bonds. They

A.   A. are stronger than covalent bonds.

B.    act between the H in one –OH or –NH group, and the O or N in another.

C.    operate within molecules.

D.   D. act between the H in one –OH or –NH group, and the H in another.

8.          Given that the atomic mass of nitrogen is 14 and of hydrogen is 1, what is the mass in grams of one mole of ammonia (NH3)?

A.   A. 15

B.    16

C.    17

D.   D. 18

9.          Choose the ending that will correctly complete the sentence: When atoms of a metal element and atoms of a non-metal element react, the result is

A.   A. a covalent compound consisting of molecules

B.    a covalent compound consisting of ions

C.    an ionic compound consisting of ions in a lattice

D.   D. an ionic compound consisting of molecules in a lattice

10.            In a water molecule, the bond between oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H) is

A.    a covalent bond and a polar bond

B.    an ionic bond

C.    a covalent bond

D.   D. an ionic bond and forms an electrolyte

11.            Some atoms of potassium, K contain 19 protons and 20 neutrons in their nuclei. What is the correct symbol for these atoms?



20 K



19 K



39 K



20 K

12.            The chemical elements can be divided into metal elements and non-metal ele- ments. Which of the statements about metals and non-metals is correct?

A.   A. metals lose electrons to become charged particles called cations

B.    most of the elements are non-metals.

C.    non-metals are located at the left hand side of the periodic table

D.   D. metals have low melting points and are good conductors of heat

13.            24 of the chemical elements are essential to the human body. Four bulk ele- ments, 7 are macrominerals and 13 are trace elements. Which are the four bulk elements?

A.   A. calcium, carbon, hydrogen & oxygen

B.    nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen & oxygen

C.    calcium, nitrogen, carbon & oxygen

D.   D. Carbon, oxygen, phosphorus & iron

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14.            Most non-molecular compounds form by the chemical combination of:

A.   A. molecules with molecules

B.    non-metals with non-metals

C.    metals with metals

D.   D. metals with non-metals

15.            Molecules are relatively easy to separate from one another. This means that the bonds between them are:

A.   A. ionic

B.    covalent

C.    relatively weak

D.   D. relatively strong

16.            What happens when a sodium atom reacts to form a compound? The atom will

A.   A. gain one electron

B.    lose one electron

C.    gain two electrons

D.lose two electrons

17.            When nitrogen combines with hydrogen to form a compound, its formula will be:

A.   A. NH3

B.    N3H

C.    NH4

D.   D. NH

18.            Which of the following type of bond between atoms is the weakest?

A.   A. ionic bond

B.    polar bond

C.    covalent bond

D.    hydrogen bond

19.            Ionic, non-molecular compounds are likely to have which of the following sets of properties?

A.    high melting point, often soluble in organic liquids, in pure form do not conduct electricity.

B.    low melting point, no strong odour, soluble in water, electrical conductivity in solution.

C.    high melting point, electrical conductivity in solution, no strong odour, often soluble in water

D.    low melting point, strong odour, soluble in organic liquids, in pure form do not conduct electricity.

20.            Which of the following best describes a molecule?

A.   A. The simplest structure in an ionic compound.

B.    One thousandth of a mole.

C.    The particles of which covalent compounds are composed.

D.    The smallest particle of an element

21.            Which of the following is true of metal elements?

A.    The four most common metal elements in the body have the symbols: C, H, O and N.

B.    They form compounds with non-metals.

C.    When they form compounds, they gain electrons.

D.    In the body, ions of metal atoms have a negative charge.

22.            Which of the following symbols represents a chemical element?

A.   A. O

B.    CO

C.    CO2

D.   D. H3O+

23.            What is the name given to the particles that make up a covalent compound?

A.   A. ions

B.    molecules

C.    anions and cations

D.    metal atoms

24.            Compounds may be described by which of the following sentences?

A.   A. Pure substances that contain two or more elements.

B.    Materials that are composed of particles called molecules.

C.    Materials composed of more than one part, and the parts may be present in any proportion.

D.    Substances that appear on the right hand side of the periodic table.

25.            The symbol for potassium is which of the following?

A.   A. PO4

B.    Po

C.    P

D.   D. K

26.            “Covalent” is the term applied to which of the following bonds?

A.  A. Those between an ion and all the surrounding oppositely charged ions.

B.    The bond between an electrolyte and the surrounding water molecules in a solution.

C.    Those between non-metal atoms.

D.   D. Those between atoms on the left hand side of the periodic table.

27.            Given that one mole is 6 × 1023 particles, how much is a millimole?

A.   A. 6 × 1020 particles

B.    106 mole

C.    10-6 mole

D.   D. 6 × 10-3 particles

28.            Which of the following is a definition of a molecule? The particle that composes:

A.  A. covalent compounds

B.    non-metal elements

C.    electrolytes

D.    ionic compounds

29.            What is the smallest particle of a non-metal element known as?

A.   A. a molecule

B.    an atom

C.    an ion

D.    a neutron

30.            What is the difference between ions and molecules?

A.   A. ions have an electrical charge whereas molecules do not.

B.    ions are from metal elements only whereas molecules contain only non- metal elements

C.    ions arise from compounds between non-metal elements, whereas mole- cules arise from metal and non-metal elements

D.    an ion may be formed from a single atom but molecules always involve more than one atom

31.            Of the four different types of matter listed below which is not an example of an element?

A.    hydrogen

B.    oxygen

C.    water

D.   D. gold

32.            A certain pure substance, A, when heated is changed into two quite different pure substances, C and D. Which of the following statements must be true?

A.    A is a compound.

B.    C and D are not elements.

C.    A, C and D are all compounds.

D.   D. C and D are elements.

33.            Which of the following statements about atoms is FALSE?

A.   A. They are mostly empty space.

B.    Nearly all their mass is concentrated in the nucleus.

C.    In a neutral atom protons and electrons are equal in number.

D.   D. The nucleus contains equal numbers of protons and neutrons.

34.            In which of the following sequences are particles listed in order of increasing size from left to right?

A.   A. Electron, atom, proton, molecule

B.    molecule, atom, proton, electron

C.    atom, proton, electron, molecule

D.   D. Electron, proton, atom, molecule

35.            Which of the following is the name of a subatomic particle?

A.   A. anion

B.    cation

C.    molecule

D.    neutron

36.            Two atoms have the same mass number but different atomic numbers. Which of the following statements concerning these atoms is TRUE?

A.   A. Each has the same number of neutrons in its nucleus.

B.    They are isotopes.

C.    They are atoms of different elements.

D.   D. Each has the same number of protons in its nucleus.

37.            What is the atomic number of the element occupying Group VA and Period 4 of the Periodic Table?

A.   A. 33

B.    34

C.    51

D.   D. 52

38.            Some atoms of iodine, I, contain 53 protons and 78 neutrons in their nuclei. A correct symbol for these atoms would be:

A. 53131I

B.  5378I

C.  78131I

D.  7853I

39.            Which of the following atoms normally forms ions having a single, positive charge?

A.   A. Mg

B.    S

C.    Cl

D.   D. K

40.            Which of the following statements concerning isotopes is FALSE?

A.    A. They contain the same number of protons in their atoms.

B.    They contain the same number of electrons in their atoms.

C.    They contain the same number of neutrons in their atoms.

D.   D. They have very similar chemical properties.

41.            The element nitrogen exists as molecules, N2. Which of the following represen- tations of the bonding in a molecule of nitrogen is correct?

A.   A. N+ N-

B.    N–N

C.    N=N

D.   D. N≡N

42.            Which of the following properties is least likely to be possessed by a covalent, molecular substance?

A.   A. strong odour

B.    high solubility in water

C.    melting point above 400 °C

D.   D. low electrical conductivity

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